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石燕子, 李文娟
关键词:  遥感技术  土壤盐渍化  监测模型  综述
Research Progress and Prospects on Monitoring Soil Salinization Based on Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
shiyanzi, liwenjuan
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science
[Purpose] Arable land is the lifeblood of grain production, and soil salinization represents one of the principal forms of land degradation, posing a severe threat to agricultural production and the ecological environment. Therefore, the monitoring and amelioration of soil salinization have become hot topics among scholars both domestically and internationally. Remote sensing technology, with its global coverage, high spatiotemporal resolution, and multi-band observation capabilities, has become a powerful tool for salinity monitoring. [Method] Through literature analysis, this article reviews the current status, methods, and progress of soil salinization monitoring at home and abroad in recent years. [Result] This article combines current hot issues and presents the research results of soil salinization monitoring based on multi-source remote sensing data; Further explored the error sources and factors that affect monitoring accuracy; Based on existing research, the difficulties encountered in the process of salinization inversion, as well as the limitations of remote sensing datasets and inversion models, were summarized. [Conclusion] The research and application of soil salinization monitoring have become relatively mature. In the future, the integration and development of multiple advanced technologies such as multi-source data, model transferability, and interdisciplinary approaches will achieve more accurate and comprehensive monitoring, and provide solid data and technical support.
Key words:  Remote sensing technology  soil salinization  monitoring model  review