摘要: |
为保障粮食安全,国家划分了粮食主产区、产销平衡区和主销区三大功能区。作为国家粮食产销平衡区,云南粮食生产的首要任务就是保证本地区粮食基本自给。随着经济发展和土地的多元开发利用, 20世纪80年代以来,云南粮食主产地区总体呈现“小稳定、大变动”的调整演变格局。文章通过对云南各地区地貌、粮食单产、粮食播种面积、粮食总产量、经济发展水平、人均占有量等指标的分析结果表明,云南粮食主产地区呈现向坝区集中、由生产条件好的地区向播种面积大的地区转变、由经济发达地区向欠发达地区转移、存在显著的粮食商品化差异等特征,粮食主产地区对云南粮食生产和粮食安全的贡献和影响力日益增强。该文通过对成本收益、耕地面积与人均耕地等指标的分析结果表明,粮食作物经济效益低,人地矛盾突出、与粮争地,“重农抓粮”考核机制不完善分别是云南粮食主产地区变化的根本原因、客观原因和制度原因。 |
关键词: 云南 粮食主产地区 演变特征 原因 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20150308 |
分类号: |
基金项目:2013年度云南省省院合作重大项目《云南新型农业经营体系研究》、2013年度云南哲学社会科学《云南高原特色农业理论与实践》创新团队和2014年国家社科基金西部项目《中国与东南亚国家粮食安全合作研究》(批准号: 14XGJ007) |
Yan Xiaofei
Rural Development Insititute of Yunnan Academy of social sciences, Kunming, 650034
Abstract: |
There are 3 types of function regions in China for guaranteeing food security, i.e., the main food producing area, the coordination of producing and marketing area, and the main food marketing area. As a coordination of producing and marketing area in China, Yunnan province should ensure the food self-sufficiency as a primary task. Along with economic development and the exploitation and utilization of idle lands resources, the major grain producing areas in Yunnan province has presented an adjustment pattern of "small stabilization, large change"as a whole since the 1980s. Through the analysis of the landform, the per unit area yield of grain, the grain acreage, the grain output, the per capita of grain and the level of economic development, this paper indicated that the major grain production had been transferring from the mountain area to the flat area, from the areas having good production conditions to the areas having the more grain acreage, and from the developed areas to the economically undeveloped area. These areas put more contribution and influence on the grain-production and food security of Yunnan province. Through the analysis of the cost and benefit, the crop acreage and per capita of the crop acreage, it showed that the low economic benefit of the grain crops, the contradiction between man and land, and the faulty evaluation mechanisms of emphasizing the agriculture and the grain production were the root causes for the evolution of these areas. |
Key words: Yunnan province the major grain producing areas the character of evolution reasons |