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任照环, 许伟, 余蜀豫, 骆方
[目的]进行雷电灾害区划,对加强雷电灾害管理、确保打赢防范化解重大风险攻坚战有重要意义。[方法]综合利用闪电定位仪数据、灾情资料、地理信息资料、社会经济数据,运用层次分析法构建指标体系,计算雷电灾害风险指数,进行重庆市雷电灾害风险等级划分。[结果](1)重庆市雷电活动具有明显的空间分布特征,地闪密度大的区域主要集中在大娄山以北,大巴山以南,密度在2次/(km2·年)以上,局部密度大于4次/(km2·年); (2)地闪强度大的区域主要位于重庆西部、中部以及西南部的綦江、南川等地。(3)极高风险区面积132万km2,占总面积的16%、高风险区面积478万km2,占总面积的58%、一般风险区面积214万km2,占总面积的26%; (4)大娄山以北,大巴山以南的地区以高风险和极高风险等级为主,其中主城、荣昌、永川、綦江、涪陵、垫江、梁平、万州等地大部地区风险等级达极高,大娄山区及渝东南地区以高风险等级为主,渝东北的城口、巫山、巫溪等县大部地区以一般风险等级为主。[结论]通过科学地划分雷电灾害风险等级,能为重庆市的雷电监测预警及风险管理提供理论支持。
关键词:  重庆层次分析法雷电灾害区划闪电定位仪
基金项目:重庆市气象局2018年智慧气象技术创新团队项目“雷电风险区划及防护等级研究”(ZHCXTD 201821); 重庆市气象局青年基金项目“南川区环境气象要素对雾霾的影响研究”(QNJJ 201507)
Ren Zhaohuan, Xu Wei, Yu Shuyu, Luo fang
Chongqing Lightning Protection Center, Chongqing 401147, China
The lightning disaster regionalization of is of great significance to strengthen the management of lightning disaster and to ensure the prevention and resolving of major risks. Based on the lightning position finder data, disaster data, geographic information and socio economic data, the analytic hierarchy process was adopted to construct an index system to calculate the lightning disaster risk index and classify the risk level of lightning disaster in Chongqing. The results showed that: (1) The lightning activity in Chongqing was characterized by obvious spatial distribution. The high density area of cloud to ground discharge was mainly located in the north of Dalou Mountains and south of Daba Mountains. The density was more than 2 times/square kilometer per year, and the local density was more than 4 times/square kilometer per year; (2) The area of cloud to ground discharge with large intensity was mainly located in West and Central Chongqing, Qijiang and Nanchuan in Southwest Chongqing, etc. (3) The area with extremely high lightning disaster risk covered an area of 13,200 square kilometers, accounting for 16% of the total area, and the high risk area was 47,800 square kilometers, accounting for 58% of the total area, and the general risk area was 21,400 square kilometers, accounting for 26% of the total area; (4) The lightning disaster risk level in areas north of Dalou Mountains and south of Daba Mountains was high to extremely high, in which the risk level in most places of the Main Districts, Rongchang, Yongchuan, Qijiang, Fuling, Dianjiang, Liangping, Wanzhou and other areas reached extremely high. The lightning disaster risk level in Dalou Mountains and Southeast Chongqing was mainly high, while most places in Chengkou, Wushan, Wuxi and other counties in Northeast Chongqing belonged to the general risk level area. By scientifically dividing the risk level of lightning disaster, it can provide theoretical support for lightning monitoring, early warning and risk management in Chongqing.
Key words:  Chongqing  analytic hierarchy process  lighting disaster  regionalization  lightning location system
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
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