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1.内蒙古农业大学,呼和浩特 010019;2.沙地(沙漠)生态系统与生态工程重点实验室,呼和浩特 010018
目的 基于耕地利用的时序变化对内蒙古耕地的非农化利用的时空分布格局规律、特点与利用效益进行研究,科学有效评价耕地利用效益水平,以期为合理引导内蒙古耕地的可持续利用提供科学依据。方法 文章基于熵值法、模糊综合评价模型对内蒙古耕地利用近30年的时空变化情况进行分析,分析了其耕地利用的经济效益、社会效益、生态效益。结果 (1)1991—2000年耕地转出总面积为50.6万hm2,82.15%的耕地流转至草地,从耕地转为草地是造成耕地面积减少的最主要原因。(2)2001—2010年耕地转出总面积为38.5万hm2,62.62%的耕地转移至草地,该时期耕地转移至草地依旧为主要部分,但比例在下降。(3)2011—2019年耕地转出总面积141.7万hm2,其中有54%的耕地转移至林地,24%的耕地转移至建设用地,该时期耕地转移至建设用地的比例明显增加。(4)内蒙古的耕地利用效益近30年变化在时间上可分为3个阶段:即1990—2002年经济效益和社会效益发展缓慢,生态效益快速降低的低生产力时期;2003—2011年经济效益和社会效益快速增长,生态效益快速降低的忽视生态效益的快速经济发展期;2011—2019年经济效益和社会效益持续增长,生态效益维持不变并略有回升的偏绿色发展期。(5)空间上的分布为4类:即呼和浩特市、包头市、巴彦淖尔市为主的以经济效益与社会效益起主导的偏高耕地利用综合效益区;鄂尔多斯市、呼伦贝尔市、乌兰察布市、兴安盟为主的以生态效益主导的偏高效益区;锡林郭勒盟、通辽市、赤峰市为主的效益偏低区;乌海市、阿拉善盟为为主的效益最低区。结论 (1)内蒙古耕地与其他利用类型土地之间转换明显,耕地面积总体稳中有升,耕地集约化利用明显促进了农转非转移。(2)耕地利用的经济社会效益在时间上呈现稳定增长态势,生态效益则由降低至缓和回升;空间上各市(盟)区间差异大,需要从资源互补方面进行合理协调,科学推动耕地的绿色可持续利用。
关键词:  耕地利用  时空变化  利用效益  耕地非农化  内蒙古
Wang Guihua1,2
1.Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot 010019, Inner Mongolia, China;2.Inner Mongolia Key Laboratory of Sandy Land (Desert) Ecosystem and Eco-engineering, Huhhot 010018, Inner Mongolia, China
Based on the temporal changes of cultivated land use, this research aims to study the temporal and spatial distribution patterns, characteristics and utilization benefits of non-agricultural use of cultivated land in Inner Mongolia, scientifically and effectively evaluated the level of cultivated land use efficiency, so as to provide a scientific basis for rationally guiding the sustainable use of cultivated land in Inner Mongolia. Based on the entropy method and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model, the temporal and spatial changes of cultivated land use in Inner Mongolia were analyzed in the past 30 years, and the economic, social and ecological benefits of cultivated land use were analyzed. The results were listed as follows.(1)The total area of cultivated land transferred from 1991 to 2000 was 506 thousand hm2, and 82.15% of cultivated land was transferred to grassland. The conversion from cultivated land to grassland was the main reason for the reduction of cultivated land. (2) The total area of cultivated land transferred from 2001 to 2010 was 385 thousand hm2, and 62.62% of the cultivated land was transferred to grassland. During this period, the transfer of cultivated land to grassland was still the main part, but the proportion was declining. (3) The total area of cultivated land transferred from 2011 to 2019 was 1417 thousand hm2, of which 54% of the cultivated land was transferred to forest land, and 24% of the cultivated land was transferred to construction land. During this period, the proportion of cultivated land transferred to construction land increased significantly. The changes in the utilization efficiency of cultivated land in Inner Mongolia in the past 30 years can be divided into three stages in terms of time, namely, the period of low productivity in which the economic and social benefits developed slowly during 1990-2002, and the ecological benefits decreased rapidly; the economic and social benefits during 2003-2011 rapid growth and rapid decline in ecological benefits ignore the rapid economic development period of ecological benefits; 2011-2019 economic and social benefits continued to grow, ecological benefits remained unchanged and slightly rebounded in the green development period. The spatial distribution was divided into four categories, namely Hohhot city, Baotou city, Bayannaoer city, dominated by the economic and social benefits of high farmland utilization comprehensive benefit areas; Ordos city, Hulunbuir city, Ulanchabu city, Xing'an League mainly for ecological high-efficiency areas dominated by efficiency; low-efficiency areas dominated by Xilin Gol League, Tongliao city, and Chifeng city; and least-effective areas dominated by Wuhai city and Alxa League. The conclusions are listed as follows. (1) The conversion between cultivated land and other types of land in Inner Mongolia is obvious, and the area of cultivated land is generally stable and rising. The intensive use of cultivated land obviously promotes the conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land. (2) The economic and social benefits of cultivated land use shows a steady growth over time, while the ecological benefits decreases from a decline to a moderate recovery; spatially, there are large differences between cities (unions), so it is necessary to carry out reasonable coordination in terms of resource complementation, and scientifically promote the green and sustainable use of cultivated land.
Key words:  cultivated land use  the temporal and spatial changes  utilization benefit  non-agricultural farmland  Inner Mongolia
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
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