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河南农业大学经济与管理学院,郑州 450046
目的 适应性行为一直是全球气候变化研究的热点领域,综合系统分析目前的研究现状、存在问题、未来研究方向,以期为推动气候变化适应性行为研究提供参考。方法 文章基于该领域研究的知识基础、当前热点及前沿和Web of Science核心合集和CNKI数据库,以2012—2022年气候变化适应性行为领域的高质量文献为数据来源,借助可视化软件CiteSpace 6.1.R1,绘制了文献共被引、关键词聚类等可视化图谱,对国内外气候变化适应性行为研究现状进行系统分析。结果 (1)气候变化适应性行为领域研究的知识基础可以归纳为3个重要的主题,分别为农户适应行为、农户适应行为障碍及适应行为理论基础研究。(2)国外的气候变化适应性行为研究热点与国内的研究热点有相似之处,都围绕农户应对气候变化的热点主题进行探讨,但也存在一定的差异。(3)国际上研究前沿关注实证证据与生计脆弱性等,而国内则侧重于适应技术、研究方法等创新。(4)关注农户气候变化适应性行为的研究文献很多,关注政府或机构气候变化适应性行为的研究文献很少。结论 提出未来可能存在的值得关注的研究方向,包括寻找适应行为分类的统一标准并创新分类方式、考虑农户感知和适应性行为与生计脆弱性的结合、关注时间尺度和空间尺度下适应行为的动态变化、深化适应行为效果的研究,此外,需要加大政府和机构应对气候变化适应性行为的研究力度。
关键词:  气候变化  适应性行为  CiteSpace  研究热点  可视化分析
Wei Yan, Song Chunxiao, Zhao Yun, Yang Lulu, Ma Hengyun
School of Economics and Management, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou450046, Henan, China
Adaptive behavior is an important research topic in the area of climate change. To clear the questions of the research status, potential gaps and future research directions on this topic, so as to provide a reference for further research on climate change adaptive behavior. Based on the knowledge foundation, current hotspots and frontiers of research in this field, and the Web of Science core ensemble and CNKI database, we reviewed the high-quality literature published from 2012 to 2022 in domestic or international academic journals on climate change adaptive behavior, and drew visual knowledge maps of co-citation and keyword clustering of literature with visualization softwar CiteSpace 6.1.R1, then systematically analyzed the research status on climate change adaptive behavior both home and abroad. The results were showed as follows. (1) The knowledge base of research on climate change adaptive behavior could be summarized into three important themes: the adaptation behavior of farmers, the barriers to the adaptation behavior faced by farmers, and the theoretical basis of adaptation behavior research. (2) The literature on climate change adaptive behavior published in domestic and international academic journals shared the similar research hotspots, they all focused on farmers' adaptations to climate change. However, there were some differences between them. (3) As to the research frontiers on this topic, the literature published in international academic journals tended to focus on the empirical evidence and livelihood vulnerability, and so on. While the literature published in domestic journals focused on innovations in adaptation technology, research methods, etc. (4) More studies focused on climate change adaptive behavior at the household level, less on the behavior at the government or agency level. Finally, this review proposes some possible future research directions of interest, including the development of consistent standards for the classifications of adaptation behaviors, as well as the exploration of innovative classifications; integrating farmers' perceptions, their adaptive behaviors and livelihood vulnerability into the same analytical framework; and paying attention to the dynamics of adaptive behaviors at both the time and spatial scales. More in-depth research is needed on the impacts or consequences of adaptive behaviors. Moreover, this review calls for governments and agencies to strengthen their research on climate change adaptation behavior.
Key words:  climate change  adaptive behavior  CiteSpace  research hot-spot  visual analysis
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