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引用本文:金 琰,刘海清,刘恩平.我国菠萝种植区域优势研究[J].中国农业资源与区划,2014,35(3):100~104
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金 琰, 刘海清, 刘恩平
中国热带农业科学院科技信息研究所,海南儋州 571737
菠萝是我国重要的热带水果,菠萝种植也是我国热区农民重要的经济收入来源。该文借助比较优 势理论和钻石模型,分别从结果和原因两个角度对我国菠萝主产区的比较优势进行了分析。通过计算效率 优势指数、规模优势指数和效益优势指数,对我国五大菠萝主产区———海南、广东、广西、福建和云南的 生产资料利用率、种植专业化程度以及经济效益等进行了评定,从而确定了我国各菠萝主产区的综合比较 优势及其各自不足之处,明确了海南、广东两大产区在我国菠萝产业中的优势地位。利用钻石模型,从资 源禀赋,市场需求及偏好、相关产业情况、产区间竞争力、机遇与政府6个方面,对我国菠萝主产区综合 优势的形成原因进行了分析。结果表明,海南和广东皆为我国菠萝资源禀赋丰富区域,而且两产区已经构 成强烈的竞争关系,但是由于市场对鲜食菠萝的偏好,广东具有更好的效益优势。另外,与世界菠萝优势 产区相比,我国菠萝产业在种植和加工等相关科技领域仍有很大的提升空间。
关键词:  菠萝种植 综合比较优势 钻石模型
基金项目:公益性行业(农业)科研专项经费,(No. 20120321)菠萝产业技术研究与试验示范产业,信息与发展策略研究
Jin Yan, Liu Haiqing, Liu Enping
Institute of Science and Technology Information, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agriculture, Hainan Danzhou 571737
Pineapple is an important tropical fruit in China,and its plantation is also an important income source for farmers in tropical areas. In the study,using comparative advantage theory and Michael Porter diamond model, the comparative advantage of main pineapple producing areas in China was analyzed from the result and reason per- spective. Based on the calculations of computational efficiency advantage index,scale advantage index,and bene- fits advantage index,the utilization of the means of production,the degree of planting specialization,and the eco- nomic benefit in five main pineapple producing areas in China,i.e., Hainan,Guangdong,Guangxi,Fujian and Yunnan province,were evaluated respectively. The comprehensive comparative advantages and disadvantages of each pineapple producing area were found,and the dominant positions of the two producing area-Hainan and Guangdong in pineapple industry of China were cleared up. The Michael Porter diamond model was used to analyze the reasons of the aggregated comparative advantages in the five main pineapple producing areas from six aspects, i.e., resource endowment,market demand and preference,related industry,competitiveness between produ- cing areas,development opportunity,and government support. The results showed that Hainan and Guangdong were both good pineapple producing areas with rich resource endowment. But a strong competitive relation had been formed between the two producing areas. Guangdong had better benefits because of the market preference of fresh pineapple. Moreover,compared to the worldwide advantageous regions,the level of pineapple industry in our country should still have much room for improvement,especially in the related scientific fields of pineapple plant- ing and processing.
Key words:  pineapple planting  comprehensive comparative advantages  Michael Porter diamond model
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