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余会康1, 郭建平2, 赵俊芳2
1.福建省宁德市气象局, 宁德 352100/中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081;2.中国气象科学研究院, 北京 100081
华南4省(福建、广东、广西、海南)是中国龙眼的主产区,而寒害是龙眼生产的主要农业气象灾害,研究寒害的时空分布特征与其发生规律对防灾减灾与区划布局具有重要作用与意义。根据《龙眼寒害等级标准》(QX/T168-2012),选取影响龙眼寒害主要影响因子,计算华南4省64个站点52年(1961~2012年)龙眼寒害指数(Hi),确定各级别寒害的发生频率,运用Arcgis地理信息软件与空间插值方法,分析华南4省寒害空间分布特征; 通过对52年龙眼寒害指数矩阵、主要发生月份(11月至翌年3月)寒害指数矩阵的经验正交分解(EOF),提取第一时间分量,分析寒害时间分布特征。结果表明,受气候变暖影响,华南地区平均积寒随年代呈减少趋势,有利于寒害的减少。华南4省寒害空间分布呈明显纬向分布,寒害发生频率由南至北增加,寒害还与地理位置有关,发生频率由沿海至内陆增加。寒害时间分布特征为: 1~2月为寒害发生频率最高的月份,体现年寒害分布的主要特征,是年寒害发生的最主要时段,但发生频率随年代呈现明显减少趋势。11~12月与3月不是年寒害发生的主要时段,发生频率相对低,但个别年份仍有可能出现较重寒害。通过与历史寒害记载对照分析,表明寒害时空分布特征能够反映历史实况主要特点。
关键词:  华南 龙眼 寒害 时空分布 特征 分析
基金项目:中国气象科学研究院基本科研业务费专项资金项目(2013Z008); 宁德市科技计划项目(20130004)
Yu Huikang1, Guo Jianping2, Zhao Junfang2
1.Meteriological Bureau of Ningde City of Fujian province, Ningde 352100, China/Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China;2.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing 100081, China
Southern China, including the provinces of Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Hainan, is the main producing areas of longan farming in China.Chilling injury is the main ago-meteorological disaster during longan production. Therefore, it plays very important role in studying the spatial and temporal distribution and occurrence regularity of chilling injury for preventing disasters and reducing damages. According to meteorology industry standards "Grade of chilling injury to Dimocarpuslongan trees" (QX/T168-2012), this paper selected the main factors influencing the chilling injury in longan production, calculated the longan chilling injury index (Hi) of 64 stations in four provinces of Southern China for 52 years (from 1961 to 2012 year), determined the occurrence frequency of each level of chilling injury. By using of Arcgis geographic information software and method of the spatial interpolation, it analyzed the characteristics of spatial distribution of chilling injury in four provinces of Southern China, and analyzedthe temporal distribution of chilling injurybased on the extracted time matrix using the method of empirical orthogonal function (EOF) on matrix of longan chilling injury index of 52 years and matrix of chilling injury index in mainly months(November-March).The results showed that under the influence of climate warming,the average accumulated harmful temperature(〖KG-*5〗<5℃)presented significant decreasing trend along with decadal time in Southern China and was helpful to reduce incident of chilling injury.The spatial distribution of chilling injury presented obvious latitudinal distribution,the occurrence frequency of chilling injury increased from south to north.The chilling injury was either related to geographic location and increased from coast to inland area.The characteristics of temporal distribution of chilling injuryindicatedthe highest frequency of chilling injury occurrence were January and February when were the most important period of occurred chilling injury in a year,but the frequency presented obvious decreasing trendalong with decadal time.November,December and March were not the main period of chilling injury,and the occurrence frequencies were relatively low,but severe and extremely chilling injury still may be happened in some individual years.Through the comparative analysis with the historical records of chilling injury,the results indicated that the spatial and temporal distribution of chilling injury can reflect the main actual characteristics of history record.
Key words:  southern China  longan  chilling injury  spatial and temporal distribution  characteristics  analysis
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