摘要: |
文章以北京市民委认定的123个少数民族村(2014)为研究对象,通过实地走访12个区县、54个乡镇,对其产业发展和现状、存在问题进行了分析和研究,结果表明,北京少数民族村产业结构符合“配第-克拉克定理”,其主营业务收入和劳动力在产业间的分布符合库兹涅茨产业结构演变规律,从2006~2012年,随着时间的推移,一产及一产从业人员比重下降; 而三产从业人员和三产比重相对上升; 由于坚持发展产业、多途径推动村庄改造、促进民族文化传承、加大政策集成等措施实施,少数民族村民致富能力得到加速发展; 但仍存在远郊、近郊、城区少数民族经济发展很不平衡、产业发展特色不明显、少数民族村从业人员受教育程度较低,组织化程度滞后等问题,据此提出了结合资源禀赋优先发展民族特色产业、突出民族文化特色、创意性提升生态宜居功能等针对性对策,为分层次、分类别、有针对性地推动全市少数民族村的建设与发展提供了参考依据。 |
关键词: 北京 少数民族村 产业特征 民族文化传承 问题 对策 |
DOI:10.7621/cjarrp.1005-9121.20150715 |
分类号: |
基金项目:北京市农委委托项目“北京市116个民族村发展与建设规划”资助 |
Hu Yanxia1, Cao Jun2, Wang Furong3, Ma Yanyang4, Sun Mingde2
1.Institute of integrated development of Agriculture, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences, Beijing 100097;2.Beijing Forestry and fruit tree research institute, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences ,Beijing 100097;3.Beijing agricultural science and technology information research institute, Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097;4.Shandong Agricultural University, Taian 271018
Abstract: |
The current situation, problems and countermeasures of the minority villages in Beijing was presented in this paper. Analysis of their natural condition, economic development level, ideology and industrial structure had been conducted based on survey of 123 minority villages (2014) coming from 54 towns, 12 counties in Beijing. Results showed that the industrial structure accorded with the Petty-Clark theorem, the industrial distribution of the prime operating revenue and labor followed the Kuznets industrial structure evolution rule.The proportion of primary industry and the employees were decreasing, which were increasing in the tertiary industry from 2006 to 2012. During the past ten years, 123 Beijing minority villages had made great achievements in industry development and folk house construction. It had formed many good management experiences, such as persisting in developing industries by setting up a special fund for minority village development, promoting the development of urbanization by rebuilding villages, expanding and inheriting national culture, and focusing on the government policies supporting low income villages. But there were still some problems such as not balance of the economic development among the outer suburb, suburban, and urban, and not prominent characteristics of industry development and residential construction in different districts, especially, not high level of the person's quality and the degree of organization. Therefore, countermeasures and suggestions has been put forward. First, it was necessary to increase investment for the infrastructure construction such as transportation, water, road and rural energy and public service facilities to realize the equalization for both infrastructure and public service facilities construction. Second, it was important to develop distinguishing industries such as cooking culture and festival culture to protect farmers' ecological livable environment, and develop tourism agriculture for the low income minority villages' practice. At last, the reform of the government management mechanism and the support of the minority villages should be promoted. |
Key words: Beijing Minority villages current situation problems countermeasures |