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常洁1, 何鹏1, 高文波1, 郭耀辉1, 李晓1, 席晓冬2
1.四川省农业科学院农业信息与农村经济研究所,成都 610066;2.四川比尔农业科技咨询中心,成都 610066
关键词:  休闲农业 空间格局 成都市 农业资源 本体论
Chang Jie1, He Peng1, Gao Wenbo1, Guo Yaohui1, Li Xiao1, Xi Xiaodong2
1.Agricultural Information and Rural Economy Institute, Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chengdu 610066, China;2.Sichuan Bier Agricultural Science and Technology Consulting Center, Chengdu 610066, China
The definition and classification of leisure agriculture resources have not reached a consensus in China. From the perspective of agricultural resources ontology, this paper classified the leisure agriculture resources and made an empirical study on the spatial distribution characteristics of Chengdu. First of all, literature comprehensive analysis method was adopted to classify leisure agriculture resources and the composition of leisure agriculture attraction system. Then, by ways of the nearest neighbor index, variation coefficient, network dimension, geographical linkage rate and kernel density estimation, the spatial distribution characteristics, industrial synergy characteristics and market development characteristics of leisure agriculture in Chengdu were explored. The results showed that (1) Leisure agriculture in Chengdu presented a weak agglomeration form in the geographical space; (2) Leisure agriculture primarily relied on flowers and plants, fruits and vegetables, grain and oil, tea and other featured agriculture. And the space concentration density was high mainly distributing in Wenjiang-Pidu-Dujiangyan flowers and plants industry area, Longquan Mountain fruit planting belt, Qionglai-Dayi-Xinjin grain and oil zone, Jinjiang District and Pujiang County tea producing areas; (3) The development of leisure agriculture in Chengdu presented typical characteristics of "agri-tourism area" and "scenic spot-dependent leisure agriculture area"; (4) Leisure agriculture was mainly distributed in the urban recreation zone of 30~100 km, in which the high-density zone was formed in the circle of 30~60 km and 80~100 km, and the attenuation zone was formed in the circle of 60~80 km. Leisure agriculture was intimately connected with the local market. Finally, it suggested that Chengdu should further strengthen the driving effect of leisure agriculture agglomeration area, improve the influence of characteristic agriculture and leisure agriculture brand, strengthen the connection between leisure agriculture and local tourist market, and optimize the road traffic system and leisure service facilities system of attenuation zone & outer circle to promote the balanced development of leisure agriculture.
Key words:  leisure agriculture  spatial distribution characteristics  Chengdu city  agricultural resource  ontology
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
技术支持:北京勤云科技发展有限公司  京ICP备11039015号