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陈秧分1, 黄修杰2, 王丽娟3
关键词:  乡村振兴乡村发展多功能评价熵权法
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(41471115)中国农业科学院科技创新工程(ASTIP IAED 2018 06) 2017年广东省省级农业发展和农村工作专项(粤农计2017 27号)
Chen Yangfen1, Huang Xiujie2, Wang Lijuan3
1.Institute of Agricultural Economy and Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081;2.Institute of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Guangzhou 510640;3.Institute of Rural Development, Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hangzhou 310021
In the context of implementing the strategy of rural revitalization throughout the country, it is important to formulate a set of evaluation indicators system for rural revitalization, which has great significance to diagnose rural development problems, monitor the progress of rural revitalization, and support the improvement of rural revitalization policy. This article introduced multi-functional agriculture and rural theory, constructed the rural revitalization evaluation index system which had5 first-level indicators and 25 second-level indicator, and used the entropy method to evaluate the national level of rural revitalization at the provincial level in 2015. The results indicated that: (Ⅰ)There were large differences in the level of rural revitalization among various regions. The highest level was in Beijing,reaching 0.924, while the lowest level was in Shanxi province with 0.635. In terms of regions, the levels of rural revitalization in the Eastern regions were clearly ahead of the Western, Northeast and Central regions. (Ⅱ)Regions with high levels of rural revitalization had high scores of ecological livability, effective governance, and wealthy lifestyle. But the advantages of industrial prosperity and rural civilization were not obvious duo to the industrial prosperity evaluation index focusing on agriculture and its extension industries. (Ⅲ)The evaluation results of rural revitalization were generally accord with the actual conditions in different areas, which indicated that the evaluation index system of rural rejuvenation based on functional perspective was scientific and feasible. However, due to the availability of data, this indicator system was still insufficient such as the development of non-agricultural industries, and individual indicators such as the availability of cultural and recreational facilities. Considering the multi-functional goals of rural revitalization, its public-product attribute and the fact that the evaluation results of rural revitalization in the central and western regions of Guangdong were relatively backward, the rural revitalization strategy should emphasis on the guidance of the rural planning, strengthen geographical division of labor, reflect the multi-functional value of rural areas, and increase government investment, so as to fundamentally increase rural competitiveness and attractiveness and achieve the goal of rural revitalization.
Key words:  rural revitalization  rural development  multifunction theory  evaluation  entropy method
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
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