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郑秋月1, 姜广辉2,3, 张瑞娟1
[目的]随着土地整治工作的发展和深化,以补充耕地面积为核心的单目标土地整治已不满足社会发展需要,地域功能在土地整治中的引导作用愈发重要。[方法]以北京市平谷区为例,以行政村为基本评价单元,结合平谷区乡村地域特色,拟从经济生产、生活消费、生态保育、社会保障四大功能角度出发,构建土地整治分区指标体系,通过熵值法确定各指标的权重,对275个乡村地域单元进行了分析和评定。[结果]根据乡村地域功能和实际情况,将研究区划分为经济生产型综合整治区、生活消费型土地整治区、生态保育型土地整治区和社会保障型综合整治区。[结论]在明确各区域主导功能定位的基础上,结合实际情况、现有研究成果和相关理论体系探索了乡村土地整治方向和发展路径:经济生产型综合整治区应按照集约高效的发展模式,打造全区新兴产业集聚区和现代化都市型农业产业基地; 生活消费型土地整治区应适度开发历史文化和自然旅游资源,发展以山水游览、休闲度假和文化体验为主的乡村旅游产业; 生态保育型土地整治区应以水源保护和生态养护为前提,扩展林果业生产规模,促进经济、生态共同发展; 社会保障型综合整治区应大力开展村内旧宅基地、闲散地、废弃工矿用地的复垦和环境治理,加强农村基础设施建设,完善社会保障机制。由于乡村地域功能处在变化的动态之中,各评价指标也随之变化,因此各乡村的发展路径还有待深入探讨和研究。
关键词:  土地整治分区乡村地域功能熵值法功能性指数平谷区
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(41671519, 41271535)
Zheng Qiuyue1, Jiang Guanghui2,3, Zhang Ruijuan1
1.State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;2.1.State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resource Ecology, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China;3.2. School of Natural Resources, Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
With the development and deepening of land remediation work, single target land remediation with the core of supplementary cultivated land can no longer meet the needs of social development, the guiding role of regional functions in land consolidation is increasingly more important. Combining with the rural area characteristics of Pinggu District, this paper took Pinggu district of Beijing as an example and the administrative village as the basic evaluation unit to construct the regional indicator system for land consolidation from the perspectives of the four functions, including economic production, consumer spending, ecological conservation and social security. The entropy method was used to determine the weight of each indicator, and 275 rural regional units were analyzed and evaluated. According to the function and actual situation of rural areas, the study area was divided into four types: economic production comprehensive improvement area, consumer spending land remediation area, ecologically protected land remediation area and social security comprehensive improvement area. On the basis of clarifying the orientation of the leading functions of each region, by combining the actual situation, existing research results, and the relevant basic theoretical system of land remediation, the paper explored the direction and development path of rural land remediation. The direction and development path of different land remediation functional areas are as follows: firstly, economic production comprehensive improvement area should follow the intensive and efficient development model to create a cluster of emerging industries in the region and a modern urban agricultural industrial base. Secondly, consumer spending land remediation area should develop historical culture and natural tourism resources appropriately, and create a rural tourism industry focusing on landscapes, leisure and cultural experiences. Thirdly, ecologically protected land remediation area should be based on the premise of water source protection and ecological conservation, expanding the production scale of the fruit industry, in order to promote economic and ecological development. Finally, social security comprehensive improvement area should vigorously carry out the rehabilitation and environmental management of the old house sites, idle land, abandoned industrial and mining land in the village, enhance rural infrastructure construction and improve social security mechanisms. The function of the rural area is in the dynamic of change, and the evaluation indicators also change. Therefore, the direction and development path of land remediation in various villages remains to be further explored and studied.
Key words:  rural area function  land remediation division  entropy method  functional index  Pinggu district
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
电话:010-82109628、82109647 电子邮件:quhuabjb@caas.cn
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