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[目的]为全面了解黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态状况及其时空变化,探讨人类活动对滨海湿地生态退化的影响,为滨海湿地保护和可持续发展提供理论支持。[方法]以黄河三角洲沿海5区县(无棣县、沾化区、河口区、垦利区、东营区)为研究区域,以1987年、1997年、2007年和2017年的遥感影像解译数据和社会经济统计资料为基本数据源,基于景观生态学原理与压力—状态—响应模型,构建生态安全评价指标体系,对黄河三角洲地区滨海湿地生态安全进行综合评价。[结果](1)1987—2017年黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态安全状况呈现持续下降的趋势,湿地生态安全指数平均值从1987年的0717下降到2017年的0531,5个区县的评价等级在1987年为3个安全和2个预警,到2017年则变为1个预警、3个不安全和1个非常不安全。(2)黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态安全变化存在阶段性差异。生态安全状况在不同的阶段恶化程度有所差异,1997—2007年程度最强,阶段性差异与人类活动在不同时段的干扰强弱密切相关。(3)黄河三角洲湿地生态安全状况空间分布差异明显,生态安全指数下降最明显的是位于研究区东南部的东营区,其次为与之紧临的垦利区; 黄河来水量减少、经济发展、城市建设、海水养殖等是导致黄河三角洲湿地生态安全状况下降的主要原因。[结论]目前黄河三角洲的生态安全状况不容乐观,生态安全指数平均值处于不安全级别,湿地受到人类活动干扰的压力较大,今后的重点应是控制海水养殖面积的进一步增加。
关键词:  生态安全评价滨海湿地景观变化遥感黄河三角洲
基金项目:中国国土勘测规划院外协项目“黄河三角洲滨海湿地生态退化过程及其机理”(2418029); 山东省自然科学基金“胶州湾滨海湿地破碎化对城镇用地扩展的多尺度响应研究”(ZR2017BD030); 青岛农业大学高层次人才科研基金项目“1980—2010年青岛市滨海湿地景观特性”(1114332)
Qin Peng1,2, Zhang Zhihui2, Liu Qing1,2※
1.China Land Survey and Planning Institute, Key Lab of Land Use, Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing, 100035, China;2.College of Resource and Environment,Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, Shandong,China
The ecological security of coastal wetland is a common concern of scholars at home and abroad. For the sake of exploring the influence of human activities on the ecological degradation of coastal wetlands, five counties along the coast of the Yellow River Delta (Wudi county, Zhanhua district, Hekou district, Kenli district and Dongying district) was selected as the research area, to study the temporal and spatial changes of ecological security of coastal wetlands in the Yellow River delta. The remote sensing image interpretation and socio economic statistics of the study area in 1987, 1997, 2007 and 2017 were collected, the GIS technology and landscape ecology principles were used, an evaluation index system of ecological security was constructed based on pressure state response model and analytic hierarchy process, the ecological security of coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta was evaluated. The main conclusions were showed as follows. (1) Under the influence of human activities, from 1987 to 2017, the rapid economic development and accelerated urbanization speed rapidly reduced the natural wetlands in the Yellow River delta, while the rise of mariculture dramatically increased the number of constructed wetlands. The average value of the wetland ecological safety evaluation index dropped from 0.717 in 1987 to 0.531 in 2017. The overall evaluation results of five districts ranged from safety to insecurity, while the evaluation results of every district showed that their evaluation results had decreased from two early warnings in 1987 and three safety levels to one early warning, three insecurity levels and one very insecure level in 2017.(2)There were periodic differences in ecological security of coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta. Over the past 30 years, the ecological safety index of coastal wetlands in the Yellow River Delta declined slowly at first, then rapidly, and then slowly. This was related to the degree of disturbance caused by human activities in each stage. (3) The spatial distribution of the ecological security status of the wetland in the Yellow River Delta was obviously different; the most obvious decline in the ecological security index was in Dongying district in the southeastern part of the study area, followed by the Kenli district. The reduction of water inflow from the Yellow River, economic development, urban construction and mariculture were the main reasons for the decline in the ecological security of wetlands in the Yellow River Delta. In summary, the current ecological security situation in the Yellow River Delta is not optimistic, the average ecological security index is in an unsafe level, wetlands are under great pressure from human activities. So, controlling the increase of mariculture area should be focused on in the future in the Yellow River Delta.
Key words:  ecological security assessment  wetland landscape  landscape change  remote sensing  Yellow River Delta
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