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杨欣1, 尚光引1, 李研2, 刘泽瑾2
[目的]文章基于武汉市289户农户的实地调查数据,构建了农田生态补偿方式选择偏好影响因素的指标体系,从农户分化视角探索农户对农田生态补偿方式选择偏好的影响因素。[方法]采用灰色关联分析模型和多分类Logistic回归模型进行分析。[结果](1)农户对农田生态补偿方式有着多样化的需求,绝大多数农户偏好现金补偿方式(8131%),208%的农户希望提供实物补偿,588%的农户选择技术补偿,1073%的农户选择政策补偿。(2)农户分化特征变量与农户补偿方式选择偏好之间具有显著性的关联度。年结余、职业类别、人均年收入与农户补偿方式选择间存在强关联关系(R>75%),性别、年龄、是否为党员、村干部、生活开支、食物开支、年纯收入、是否参加农村医疗、养老保险、非农收入比重、从亲戚朋友获得借款从银行获得贷款等农户分化特征变量与补偿方式选择偏好间也存在较强关联关系(50% R≤75%)。(3)农户分化特征变量对补偿方式选择的影响各不相同:相较于技术补偿,农户对现金补偿方式的选择受到性别、年龄、是否为党员或村干部、生活开支、食物开支、是否参加养老保险和医疗保险、人均年收入、获得朋友借款难易程度等分化特征变量的影响更为显著; 而农户的年龄、食物开支、是否参加养老和医疗保险这3项特征变量显著影响农户对实物补偿方式的选择; 农户的性别、否为党员或村干部、家庭年结余、人均年收入、获得银行贷款的难易程度影响对农户选择政策补偿方式的影响更为显著。[结论]基于农户分化特征,设计差别化的农田生态补偿方可提升农户农田保护的积极性,提升农田生态补偿项目的实施效率。
关键词:  农户分化生态补偿方式灰色关联度多分类Logistic模型武汉农户
Yang Xin1, Shang Guangyin1, Li Yan2, Liu Zejin2
1.College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China;2.School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, China
Farmland ecological compensation is significant to farmers′ living,environment improvement and food safety.A feasible compensation which can satisfy the heterogeneous preference of farmer plays a fundamental role in improving farmers ′enthusiasm and enhancing the efficiency of farmland ecological compensation project. The methods of questionnaire survey, Gray relation analysis model and Multinomial logistic regression model were used in this research. Based on the practical survey data of 289 households in Wuhan, from the perspective of farmers′ differentiation, this paper established an index system of farmers′ socio ecological characteristics to analyze farmers′ heterogeneous preference for farmland ecological compensation patterns. What′s more, the way to designing a more reasonable compensation pattern based on the difference of farmers was also proposed. The results were showed as follows. (1) Farmers′ preferences for farmland ecological compensation patterns were heterogeneous. Most farmers preferred cash compensation (81.31%), only 2.08% farmers wished to offer in kind compensation, 5.88% farmers chose technique compensation, and 10.73% of them chose policy compensation. (2)The Gray Regression results indicated that farmers′ differentiation had significantly strong correlation with their preferences for farmland ecological compensation patterns. Specifically, year end balance amount, occupation, per capita annual income had strong correlation with their preference, the correlation degree reached 75%. Gender, age, whether CCP members or not, village cadres or not, living cost, food expense, annual income, whether taking part in insurance or not, non agricultural income proportion and difficult degree of gain loads also had a relative strong correlation degree with farmers′ preferences(50% R≤75%). (3) The farmers′ preferences for compensation pattern were affected by different socio economic variables of farmers′ obviously. Compared with their preferences for technology pattern, farmers′ preferences for cash pattern were more significantly influenced by gender, age, whether CCP members or not, whether village cadres or not, living cost, food expenses, whether taking part in insurance or not, annul income and difficult degree of gain loads. Farmers′ preferences for material pattern were affected by age, food expenses and whether taking part in insurance or not by taking their preferences for technology pattern as the baseline. Moreover, compared with selection of technology pattern, farmers′ gender, whether CCP members or not, family year end balance, per capita annual income and difficult degree of gain loads had significantly impact on their selection of policy pattern. Therefore, a successful farmland ecological compensation pattern should take the farmers′ differeation into consideration and provide a variegated and differentiated farmland ecological compensation system, so that farmers can adopt the corresponding farmland ecological compensation pattern for their own needs. It concludes that the government should enrich the farmland ecological compensation patter to increase the farmland protection enthusiasm of farmers, improve the livelihood of farmers, and reach the sustainable development of farmland and sustainable increase income of farmers.
Key words:  household differentiation  ecological compensation pattern  Gray Relation degree  multinomial Logistic regression model  farmers in Wuhan
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主管单位:中华人民共和国农业农村部 主办单位:中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所
中国农业绿色发展研究会 地址:北京市海淀区中关村南大街12号
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