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周清波, 吴文斌, 宋茜
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业部农业遥感重点实验室,北京100081
【目的】数字农业是21 世纪农业发展的必然趋势,也是现代农业发展的必然选择。 【方法】文章概括了数字农业的内涵,系统梳理和总结了国内外数字农业研究进展,探讨 数字农业的发展趋势,并对我国未来数字农业研究重点任务进行了展望。【结果】(1)美 国、德国、日本等发达国家在数字农业研究方面处于领先地位,已形成了科学的理论和技 术体系;(2)国内数字农业起步相对较晚但发展速度快,在农业数据信息资源建设、“3S” 技术、农业模拟模型与专家系统、智能装备与自动控制以及数字农业成果的普及与应用 等方面已有突破。【结论】新时代下,我国未来数字农业研究重点是构建天空地一体化 的数字农业观测系统、加强数字农业关键技术与产品的研究开发、建设数字农业技术系统 集成与平台、加强数字农业技术应用示范、创新数字农业信息服务模式以及农业标准规范 研制。
关键词:  数字农业  现状  发展
The development of digital agriculture in the past,present and future
Zhou Qingbo, Wu Wenbin, Song Qian
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
[Purposes]Digital agriculture plays an important pole in the agriculture information technology in the twenty-first Century,and it is also important for the development of modern agriculture. This paper describes the concept and contents of digital agriculture,its current status and development trend.[Method]This paper systematically summarized the current progress in digital agriculture studies over the latest decade.[Result]It found that America,Germany and Japan are leading the pack:It’s best at establishing the scientific theory and technical system. In China,the digital agriculture research is started relatively later but highly developed. It finds that many efforts have been made to strengthen researches in agriculture data resource, ‘3S’,agricultural model,intelligent equipment and the popularization and application of digital agriculture. The article discusses the key problems and solutions of the digital agriculture development in the future.[Conclusion]The future development strategy of digital agriculture is to build up innovative technological system,the key technology and intelligent equipment, adoptable system integration,application and demonstration of equipment digitization agriculture technology,information service mode and innovative standards specification.
Key words:  digital agriculture  development  solutions