引用本文:周国民,丘 耘,樊景超,郭秀明,胡 林,吴定锋.数字果园研究进展与发展方向[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(1):10-16
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周国民, 丘 耘, 樊景超, 郭秀明, 胡 林, 吴定锋
数字果园是信息技术在果业中由单项应用走向综合应用的必然体现,是综合应用数字 化技术研究果园生产、管理、经营、流通、服务中的信息获取、处理、管理和利用的关键技 术及应用系统。【目的】果业在我国农村经济发展中占有重要的地位,但果园生产管理总体 水平与国际先进国家相差较大,尤其是果园数字化、信息化和智能化管理技术差距更大,因 此需要系统总结数字果园研究方面取得的进展,进一步明确未来的发展方向,为发展信息化 和智能化果园提供科技支撑。【方法】通过文献调研和结合相关科研实践,综述近年来数字 果园技术及应用系统的研究现状。【结果/ 讨论】果园信息获取、果树生长管理模型、果园 数字化管理平台等方面的研究已取得显著进展。数字果园技术发展趋势是信息化、网络化和 智能化。数字果园技术的应用将会:提高果园精准化生产管理水平、提升果品质量和市场营 销水平、提高政府对果园生产监管和服务水平。
关键词:  数字果园  研究进展  发展方向
Research progress and prospect of digital orchard techniques
Zhou Guomin, Qiu Yun, Fan Jingchao, Guo Xiuming, Hu Lin, Wu Dingfeng
Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081
[Purpose]Digital Orchard is an inevitable result by the application of information technology in orchard from the individual application to integrated application. In this paper,the concept of the Digital Orchard is proposed to develop the key techniques and application system for acquisition,analysis,management and utilization of information in orchard production system. Fruit industry plays an important role in the development of rural economy in China. However,the overall research level of orchard production and management are quite different from the developed countries. Especially,the technology gap between orchard digitalization,informatization and intelligent management is even bigger. Therefore,we need to systematically summarize the progress made in digital orchard research and further definite the direction of future development. It provides scientific and technological support for developing information and intelligent orchard.[Method]Through literature review and related research practice,this paper summarizes the research status of digital orchard technology and application system in recent years.[Result]In recent years,thorough and systematic research works on key techniques and application systems of Digital Orchard have been carried out in Agriculture Information Institute of CAAS. The remarkable advances have been achieved in the areas of acquisition in orchard,fruit tree growth model,digital management platform in orchard. The future prospect of Digital Orchard is directed toward informatization,networking and intellectualization.[Conclusion]The impact of using the Digital Orchard technology in the fruit industry has three main aspects as follows: improving the precision level of orchard production management,enhancing the quality level of fruit and management level of marketing,improving the supervision level of government management.
Key words:  digital orchard  research progress  research prospect  review