引用本文:熊本海※,杨 亮,郑姗姗.我国畜牧业信息化与智能装备技术应用研究进展[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(1):17-34
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熊本海※, 杨 亮, 郑姗姗
【 目的】以“互联网+”为基础的信息技术迅速发展及产业化逐步渗透到各行各业,包 括畜牧业在内的畜牧业物联网及智能装备的发展也引起行业的高度重视。【方法】文章重点 从家畜编码规范及标识技术,畜禽养殖环境及体征行为远程监测、畜禽养殖智能装备及养殖 过程数字化监管与大数据平台构建,智能化计算软件的开发与应用等多个方面,综述畜牧业 信息化与智能装备研究的现状。【结果】以无线射频识别即RFID 技术为基础的家畜标识的国 际标准相对完善,主要包括ISO 11784/11785 和ISO 14223 三个标准,但各国在具体操作上 并没有强制实施,主要是美国家畜编码完全走国际标准路线,而加拿大及法国等在编码中附 加了群体编码而更为灵活。中国的标识标准包括国家规范、地方标准及企业内部规范,具有 亟待修订的必要,而RFID 标识产品研发则超前于标准的制定。在畜禽养殖环境物联网系统 研发方面,针对不同畜禽在不同的生长、生理阶段的控制阈值的总结与研究进入到数字化描 述阶段,并采用物联网技术构建了针对不同畜种设施养殖的环境精准监控系统,包括移动端 的控制系统。在畜禽养殖设备的研究上,国内外主要集中在智能饲喂设备的研发上,主要包 括妊娠母猪及哺乳母猪饲喂控制系统、奶牛及奶羊的精准饲喂系统等。在行业数据管理平台 开发上,总结了旗舰型龙头企业的物联网数据平台的研发进展,以及针对种畜禽生产过程业 务逻辑综合数据平台的案例等。最后,具体分析了我国在畜牧业信息化与智能装备的产业化 领域还存在的一些局限性,并给出相应的技术与政策建议。【结论】我国畜牧业发展的现代 化需要为物联网技术为基础的信息技术支撑,并结合智能化设备的应用,提高生产效率,促 进畜牧业产业的提质增效。
关键词:  畜牧业  物联网  RFID  智能装备  信息化
基金项目:2017 年度北京市重大科技及计划课题“规模化猪场智能饲喂与智能管理技术集成创新”(D171100000417002);国家智能农机重大项目课题“畜禽个性化精准饲喂设备研发与应用示范”(2017YFD0701604)
Research progress on the application of information and intelligent equipment in animal husbandry in China
Xiong Benhai, Yang Liang, Zheng Shanshan
Institute of Animal and Veterinary Sciences,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100193
[Purpose]The rapid development and industrialization of information technology based on the“ Internet+”have gradually penetrated into various industries. The development of IOT(Internet of Things)and intelligent equipment,including animal husbandry,has also attracted great attention in the industry.[Method]In this paper,the current situation of the research on animal husbandry informatization and intelligent equipment is summarized in the aspects of digital supervision and construction of big data platform,the development and application of intelligent computing software,and so on.[Result]The international standards for the identification of livestock based on radio frequency identification( RFID) technology are relatively perfect,including the three standards of ISO 11784/11785 and ISO 14223,but they have not been enforced in practical operations. The main reason is that the US livestock coding is completely followed by international standards,while Canada and France have added group or farm numbers to the codes and become more flexible. China’s animal coding standards include national norms,local standards and internal standards for enterprises. There is an urgent need for revision,and RFID label product R & D is ahead of the establishment of official standards in China. In the research and development of the IOT system for livestock and poultry breeding environment,the conclusion and research on the control threshold of different livestock and poultry in different growth and physiological stage have entered a digital description stage. Using the IOT technology to construct the environment precision monitoring systems for different animal breeding facilities,including the mobile end control system,has been achieved and applied. In the research of livestock and poultry breeding equipment,the domestic and foreign mainly focus on the research and development of intelligent feeding equipment. It mainly includes the feeding control system for pregnant sows and lactating sows,the precision feeding systems for cows and goats,and so on. In the development of the data management platform of the industry,the research and development progress of the IOT data platform of some inner flag leading enterprises are summarized. Finally,some limitations in the field of informatization and intelligent equipment industrialization of animal husbandry in China are analyzed.[Conclusion]It is concluded that the modernization of animal husbandry in China needs the support of information technology based on the IOT technology and the application of intelligent equipment to improve the production efficiency as well as to promote the improvement of quality and efficiency of animal husbandry.
Key words:  animal husbandry  internet of things(IoT)  RFID  intelligent equipment  informatization