引用本文:李强子.互联网+ 时代中国粮食的生产与供给服务模式思考[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(1):93-99
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互联网+ 时代中国粮食的生产与供给服务模式思考
【目的】中国粮食生产和供给问题已经从温饱问题解决逐渐走向多样化服务,建立满 足人民日益增长的美好生活需要的粮食生产和供给体系,互联网+ 时代的中国粮食生产与 供给需要新的模式。【方法】通过总结中国粮食生产和供应现状,提出了中国粮食生产和供 给的规模化、多样化和特色化、标准化、智能化等社会需求,并结合当前信息技术的最新发 展,提出中国粮食生产和供给的互联网+ 服务模式。【结果】中国粮食的互联网+ 服务需要 具备粮食生产指导、产品质量追溯、标准包装产品真实性检验、粮情信息发布与靶向推送、 同类产品供需平衡分析、特色产品宣介等功能,以实现中国粮食生产和供给过程中全链条的 服务,包括粮食生产过程监测和专家精准指导,粮食生产过程信息和环境、品质评定信息的 管理查询,粮食销售产品包装检验,统一销售,供需平衡分析、信息发布,以及财金产品 服务等。在大数据技术背景下,中国粮食生产和供给的互联网+ 服务的技术基础至少包括: (1)物联网、农情遥感、泛在信息等大数据采集技术;(2)整合大数据管理和空间数据引擎 的大数据管理技术;(3)面向粮食生产形势、产量、品质、价格、库存和交易信息的在线分 析和数据挖掘技术;(4)信息公开发布和靶向发布技术等。【结论】在国家、区域、省市和 县尺度,开展顶层设计和战略规划,从特色粮食产品入手,建立互联网+ 的粮食生产和供应 模式,实现粮食生产、包装、销售的全链条信息采集、大数据分析,并逐渐拓展到国家大宗 的粮食生产和供给体系。
关键词:  粮食  互联网+  大数据  生产  供给
Prospect of grain production and supply service mode of China in internet plus era
Li Qiangzi
Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100094
[Purpose] Novel Grain supply service needs to be constructed to meet the growing needs of the people in internet plus era.[Method] A new framework of grain supply service mode based on analysis of social demands were proposed,i.e.(1)promoting large-scale grain production and scale management model to meet the high efficiency green grain producing needs and change the situation of grain price upside down at home and abroad,(2)carrying out diversified and specialized producing and management business to intensify high-top and geographical indication grain products,and then opening middle- and low-end market business, (3)introducing standardized grain purchase,storage and supply of grain market supported by quality traceability mark and standard package units,and providing supplier index of crop producing and manage information related to quality,and( 4)implementing intellectual grain crop producing to build crop condition monitoring derived smart irrigation,fertilization management and yield process monitoring mode.[Result] Under these circumstances,novel grain supply service should involve the following six aspects:(1)grain crop monitoring using aero-borne,air-borne remote sensing or ground based instruments to collect crop growing and management information,and to guarantee field management aid by experts based on photos/ videos provided by farmers,(2)grain products quality inspection of third party notarization and quality traceability service through internet,supported by mutual trust database of crop growing and management information,e.g. irrigation water quality,fertilizer type and dosage,etc.,as well as internet based user diversification and convenience retrieval,(3)the authenticity test of standard packaging grain products service,including release standard packaging unit and quality inspect label issued by government,and authority website to accept user retrieval and certification service,(4)grain producing information diffusion and its target push service,including building authority web-based sales and matchmaking platform to build linkage between producers,users and all kinds of sellers,interfacing other internet-sales platform,as well as joining other internet plus sales service,(5)supply-demand balance analysis of likewise grain products,letting local government,grain cooperation,food production association, etc.,understand the demand and supply capacity of specific grain products,thence analysis the trend of potential sales volume and price,and( 6)special products promotion and other services, including possible acreage,production,probable quality and other information referral,as well as the introduction of financial investment products and special grain products[. Conclusion] Therefore, supporting techniques may include:( 1)multi-source information collection techniques,i.e. LOT sensor-based technology,remote sensing,a class of web crawler web information collection technology,and etc.,(2)big data processing and management techniques,e.g. Nginx, Redis,RabbitMQ,Spark,Hadoop,and spatial data engine,(3)data on-line analysis and data mining techniques,and( 4)various information publishing techniques,e.g. website developing,Wechat based public accounts or mobile Apps,etc.
Key words:  grain  internet plus  Big Data  grain producing  grain supply