引用本文:夏天,吴文嘉,周清波,杨 鹏,吴文斌※.我国智慧耕地研究重点方向探讨[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(1):100-107
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夏天1,2, 吴文嘉1, 周清波2, 杨 鹏2, 吴文斌※2
1.地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室/ 华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,湖北武汉 430079;2.农业部农业遥感重点实验室/ 中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【 目的】耕地作为土地科学研究中的重要部分,已成为土地科学研究的热点。随着社 会经济的发展,科学技术的不断革新,传统耕地利用面临着诸多问题一直未能有效解决。本 文将海量数据、互联通信、深度学习和人工智能等现代科技技术运用到传统耕地利用和管理 中,解决当前耕地利用急需解决的问题。【方法】通过构建智慧耕地理论框架体系,耦合传统 耕地利用与现代科技发展的新兴产物,将现代科学技术有机地融入到传统耕地利用中,解决 了传统耕地面临的诸多问题。【结果】在现有土地利用研究基础上,构建了我国智慧耕地发展 的框架结构,提出了我国智慧耕地重点研究方向和关键问题。【结论】该研究将有助于提高我 国耕地的利用和管理水平,为应对全球变化和国际贸易的冲击,保障我国的粮食安全和解决 “三农”提供了方向。
关键词:  智慧耕地  大数据  传统耕地  框架  研究方向
Reserch on the strategy and key problems of the development of intelligent cultivated land in China
Xia Tian1,2, Wu Wenjia1, Zhou Qingbo2, Yang Peng2, Wu Wenbin2
1.Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation,Hubei Province/College of Urban & Environmental Sci. Central China Normal University,Wuhan,Hubei 430079,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agri-informatics, Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]As an important part of land science research,cultivated land has become a hot spot in land science research. With the development of the social economy and the continuous innovation of science and technology,the traditional cultivated land use is facing many problems that haven’t been effectively solved. In this paper,modern technologies such as massive data,Internet communication,deep learning and AI are applied to the traditional land use and management,so as to solve the problems that need to be solved urgently in the field of cultivated land use.[Method]By building the theoretical framework of intelligent farmland and coupling the emerging products of traditional land use and modern technology development,we integrate the modern science and technology into the traditional land use,and solve many problems faced by traditional cultivated land.[Result]Based on the existing land use research,this study constructs a framework for the development of intelligent farmland as well as puts forward 5 key research directions and 3 key problems of intelligent farmland in China. [Conclusion]This research will help improve the utilization and management level of cultivated land in China,and provide a direction for ensuring China’s food security and solving the“ three rural issues” in response to the impact of global change and international trade.
Key words:  wise arable land  big data  traditional cultivated land  frame  research direction