引用本文:黄 平,覃 玥※,李源洪,刘 轲,王 思,刘泳伶.信息时代下四川省农地流转与规模化经营路径分析[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(1):108-116
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黄 平, 覃 玥※, 李源洪, 刘 轲, 王 思, 刘泳伶
【 目的】开展农地确权工作旨在放活土地经营权,促进农地流转,实现农业规模经营, 然而现实中农地流转出现与预期效果不一致的现象。文章重点为四川省农业规模经营的发展 提出可行路径。【方法】文章以农户有限理性为基本假设,运用前景理论分别对四川省成都 平原地区、浅丘地区和山区的农户,在农地确权前后对农地流转的心理认知进行分析,并 针对不同地区农户农地流转心理状态及当地资源禀赋提出适宜的农业规模经营实现路径。 【结果】山区农户生存能力较弱,对土地依赖程度强,土地用于满足其生存需求,通过农地 确权降低了流转意愿;浅丘地区农户生存能力较强,对土地依赖程度较弱,土地用于满足其 安全需求,在农地确权之后,部分农户倾向于短期流转,部分农户愿意流入土地;成都平原 地区农户生存能力强,对土地依赖程度弱,土地用于满足其社交需求和尊重需求,流转土地 的态度在农地确权之后趋于开放。【结论】对于四川省山区,提出“充分发挥生态优势,第 三产业带动发展”与“细化生产分工,实现农业服务规模经营”路径建议;对于四川省浅丘 地区,提出“发展土地股份合作社,按面积入股分红退股”与“产品标准化生产,产业品牌 化发展”路径建议;对于成都平原地区,提出“互联网+ 新型农业经营主体+ 智慧农业”与 “打造田园综合体,开发新型产业发展亮点”路径建议。
关键词:  农地流转  前景理论  农地确权  规模经营  地区间差异
Farmland transaction and the route of scale managementstudies based on the prospect theory in Sichuanprovince under information age
Huang Ping, Qin Yue, Li Yuanhong, Liu Ke, Wang Si, Liu Yongling
Remote Sensing Application Institute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Chengdu 610066
[Purpose]The goal of rural land rights confirmation is to protect the land management right,promote the rural land transfer and realize the scale management of agriculture. However,the actual results of rural land transfer in some cases are inconsistent with the expectations. The article focuses on the suggestions for scale management.[Method]Based on the assumption of bounded rationality of farmers,using the Prospect Theory,the psychological cognition of farmers to rural land transfer before and after rural land rights confirmation are analyzed in this study,covering farmers located in plain(i.e.Chengdu Plain),hilly and mountainous area in Sichuan Province. Suggestions for realizing proper scale management are proposed,according to local resources endowment and the psychological state of local farmers to different areas.[Result]The results of the analysis show that the farmers in mountainous area have a weaker survivability and a higher degree of dependence on land. The land is used to meet their survival needs,and the willingness to transfer will be reduced through the rural land rights confirmation. The farmers in hilly area have strong survivability and they are less dependent on land. Land is used to meet their security needs. After the rural land rights confirmation,some farmers prefer short-term circulation,and some farmers are willing to enter the land. The farmers in plain area have strong survivability and weak dependence on land. Land is used to meet their social needs and respect for demand. The attitude of rural land transfer tends to be open after the rural land rights confirmation.[Conclusion]For the mountainous area in Sichuan this study suggests to promote the development by the tertiary industry,to make full use of the advantages in ecology,and to realize the scale management of agricultural services by refining the division of production. For the hilly area in Sichuan,it is suggested to develop land stock cooperatives, where land area can be the basis of dividend payment and withdrawal. It is also suggested to promote standardization of production and brand development of industries. For the Chengdu Plain,a new model of agriculture development is proposed,characterized by the integration of internet,new agricultural management entities and smart agriculture technologies. It is also suggested to construct pastoral complex,and to create highlights of agriculture.
Key words:  rural land rights confirmation  Prospect Theory  rural land transfer  scalemanagement  geographic differences