引用本文:何亚娟,裴志远※,王 飞,易湘生,蔡学斌,石智峰,陈位政.高标准农田建设标准调查[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(1):117-122
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何亚娟,裴志远※,王 飞,易湘生,蔡学斌,石智峰,陈位政
农业部耕地利用遥感重点实验室\ 农业部规划设计研究院,北京100125
【目的】为建立健全高标准农田建设标准体系,完善我国高标准农田建设标准。【方法】 对我国建设标准较高的高标准农田区上海市崇明县、江苏省东台市开展调查。调查采取当面 座谈咨询技术人员及农户、实地考察和发放调查问卷3种方式进行。【结果】两个区域高标 准农田建设标准主要是依据地方制定的标准,大部分指标均高出国家标准,但是也存在诸多问 题,在指标中尚存在诸如标准量化不够、标准设置欠妥、配套设施标准体现不足等。【结论】建 议融合现有标准,明确标准定位;注重生态效益,增加考核范围;找准编制思路,创新标准内 容;科学设计指标,因地制宜测算;融合现代科技,强化建管并重。
关键词:  高标准农田  建设标准  存在问题  创新标准  土地利用
Survey on construction standard of well-facilitated farmland
He Yajuan1,2, Pei Zhiyuan※1,2, Wang Fei1,2, Yi Xiangsheng1,2, Cai Xuebin1,2, Shi Zhifeng1,2, Chen Weizheng1,2
1.Key Laboratory of Cultivated Land Use,Ministry of Agriculture,P. R. China;2.Chinese Academy of Agricultural Engineering,Beijing 100125
[Purpose]In order to establish the well-facilitated farmland construction standard system and improve the high standard farmland construction standard in China,we investigated the highest standard well-facilitated farmland construction areas in China.[Method]The survey areas includes Chongming county in Shanghai and Dongtai city in Jiangsu province. The survey was conducted in three ways:face-to-face consultation technical personnel and farmers, field visits and questionnaires.[Result]The results show that the standard of well-facilitated farmland in these two regions is mainly based on local standards,most of which are higher than the national standard,but there are also many problems. There are still some problems,such as insufficient standard quantification,inadequate standard setting and insufficient supporting facilities.[Conclusion]It is suggested to integrate the existing standards,to clear position and pay attention to ecological benefits and increase the scope of assessment. It is suggested to find out the way to make the construction standard and innovate the standard content. It is suggested to design the index scientifically and measure according to local conditions. It is suggested to integrate modern technology and strengthen management as important as conduction.
Key words:  well-facilitated farmland  construction standard  existing problems  land use