引用本文:申 格,吴文斌※,史 云,杨 鹏,周清波.我国智慧农业研究和应用最新进展分析[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(2):1-14
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申 格, 吴文斌※, 史 云, 杨 鹏, 周清波
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业部农业遥感重点实验室,北京 100081
【目的】对我国智慧农业的研究和应用最新进展进行梳理和评述,并对未来智慧农业 的发展方向进行展望。【方法】文章在系统总结智慧农业研究文献基础上,深入分析了农业 感知、传输、分析、控制、应用等智慧农业核心领域研究进展和应用状况,并科学展望了未 来智慧农业发展方向。【结果】研究认为,传感器、GPS、遥感及RFID 等技术形成了农业智 能感知的技术体系,传感器技术目前应用最为广泛。智慧农业中数据传输方式要包括有线 通信传输、无线通信传输及无线传输与有线传输结合等3 种方式,无线传输与有线传输结合 的方式是目前常用的数据传输方式,ZigBee 技术是应用最为广泛的无线传输方式。模拟模型、 大数据技术及云计算技术是智能诊断分析的关键技术。智慧农场、智慧果园、智慧养殖、农业 经营、农业管理与服务等是目前智慧农业的主要应用领域。【结论】数据安全标准、数据融合、 数据挖掘、关键技术及系统集成等技术问题、围绕天地空一体化的遥感数据获取体系对智慧大 田的深入研究、智慧农业发展模式及推广模式创新研究等则是未来智慧农业研究发展的方向。
关键词:  智慧农业  感知  传输  分析  控制  应用
基金项目:中国农业科学院协同创新任务“智慧农业关键技术与系统集成”、中央级科研院所基金科研业务费专项“智慧农业2035 研究”
The latest progress in the research and application of smart agriculture in China
Shen Ge, Wu Wenbin, Shi Yun, Yang Peng, Zhou Qingbo
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
[Purpose]This paper reviews and comments on the latest progress in the research and application of smart agriculture in China and prospects the future development of smart agriculture.[ Method]On the basis of systematically summarizing the research literature on smart agriculture,this paper deeply analyzes the research progress and application status of smart agricultural core areas such as agricultural perception,transmission,analysis,control, and application,and scientifically forecasts the direction of smart agricultural development in the future.[ Result]According to the research,sensors,GPS,remote sensing,and RFID technologies have formed the technical system of agricultural intelligence perception,and sensor technology is currently the most widely used. The mode of data transmission in smart agriculture includes wired communication transmission,wireless communication transmission and combination of these two ways. The combination of wireless transmission and wired transmission is the commonly used data transmission mode,and ZigBee technology is the most widely used non line transmission mode. Simulation models,big data technologies,and cloud computing technologies are key technologies for smart diagnostic analysis. Smart farms,smart orchards, smart farming,agricultural management,agricultural management and services are the main application areas of smart agriculture.[ Conclusion]Technical issues such as data security standards,data fusion,data mining,integration of key technologies and system,in-depth research on intelligent fields based on remote sensing data acquisition system surrounding the integration of sky and space,innovative research on smart agricultural development models and promotion models are the direction of the future research and development of the smart agriculture.
Key words:  smart agriculture  perception  transmission  analysis  control  application