引用本文:刘克宝,陆忠军※,宋 茜.松嫩平原中部农作物空间格局时空变化分析[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(2):42-52
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刘克宝1,2, 陆忠军※1, 宋 茜2,3
1.黑龙江省农业科学院遥感技术中心,哈尔滨 150086;2.农业部农业信息技术重点实验室,北京 100081;3.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】在国家“玉米调减”、“粮豆轮作”、“大豆目标价格”等种植结构调整政策 背景下,分析2011~2016 年松嫩平原中部地区农作物空间格局变化,为黑龙江省西部地区 种植结构调整提供数据参考和科学基础。【方法】选择克山县为研究区域,利用2016 年黑龙 江省主要农作物一张图、2011 年黑龙江省水稻、玉米本底数据,采取遥感手段提取2011 年 大豆分布,生成2011 和2016 年作物空间分布图;选取水稻、玉米、大豆和其他作物为研究 对象,分别对农场和县域进行5 年内种植结构变化、耕地内部4 类作物面积转换分析和景 观格局指数评价。【结果】①克山县种植结构发生了巨大的改变,55% 左右的耕地种植作物 发生变化,目前均以玉米、大豆为主,主要变化方向为大豆改种玉米。②克山县县域总体景 观MPS 变大,CI 减小,机械化和规模化程度总体提升,AWMSI 降低,斑块形状更加规则。 【结论】①克山县种植结构的发展趋势由相对效益较低的大豆向着相对效益较高的玉米、水 稻方向发展,种植结构由2011 年的大豆为主要作物,转变为玉米和大豆为主要种植作物, 且2016 年玉米种植规模超过大豆,成为种植规模最大的作物;水稻受到自然地理条件的制 约较大,面积扩张集中在县域的流域附近。②大豆、玉米和水稻的规模化、机械化和破碎化 程度正逐渐趋于一致,其他作物规模化和机械化程度明显低于3 种作物,破碎化程度高于3 种作物;大豆、水稻和其他作物分布逐渐离散,玉米区域集中且优势度明显高于其他3 种作 物。③利用景观格局指数,可以很好地量化反映作物种植格局空间分布变化情况,包括规 模、空间分布、形状、异质性和相关性情况。
关键词:  农作物  空间格局  景观格局指数  时空变化
Temporal and spatial variation analysis of crop spatial pattern in middle Songnen plain
Liu Kebao1,2, Lu Zhongjun※1, Song Qian3,2
1.Remote Sensing Technique Center of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Haerbin 150086,China;2.Key Laboratory of Agri-Informatics,Ministry of Agriculture,P.R.China,Beijing 100081,China;3.Institue of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 10081,China
[Purpose]The change of crop spatial pattern in the middle of Songnen Plain during 2011 and 2016 was analyzed under the background of the adjustment policy of“ maize reduction”,“grain bean rotation” and“ soybean target price”,which provided data reference and scientific basis for the adjustment of planting structure in the western region of Heilongjiang province.[Method]Taking Keshan County as the study area,using the data of“ A map of the main crops” in Heilongjiang Province in 2016 and the background data of rice and maize in Heilongjiang Province in 2011,the study extracted the soybean distribution of 2011 by remote sensing and generated crop spatial distribution of 2011 and 2016. Taking rice,maize,soybean and other crops as the research objects,the change of cropping structure,the conversion of 4 types of crop area and the change of landscape pattern index in 5 years were analyzed.[Result]① Great changes have taken place in the planting structure in Keshan County,and about 55% of cultivated land crops have changed. At present,maize and soybean are the main types of crops,and the main direction of change is switching soybean to maize. ② The overall landscape MPS in Keshan County increased,CI decreased,the degree of mechanization and scale increased,AWMSI decreased, and the shapes of patches were more regular.[ Conclusion] ①The development trend of cropping structure in Keshan County is developing from soybean with relatively low benefit to maize and rice with relatively high relative benefit. The planting structure is transformed from soybean in 2011 to maize and soybean as the main crop. In 2016,the area of maize is more than soybean and becomes the largest crop. Rice is restricted by natural and geographical conditions,and the area expansion is concentrated near the watershed of the county. ② The scale,mechanization and fragmentation of soybean,maize and rice are gradually becoming the same,the scale and mechanization of other crops are obviously lower than that of 3 crops,the degree of fragmentation is higher than that of 3 crops,and the distribution of soybean,rice and other crops is gradually dispersed,maize tends to concentrate,and its dominance is obviously higher than that of the other 3 crops. ③ The landscape pattern index can be used to quantify the spatial distribution of crop planting patterns,including scale,spatial distribution,shape,heterogeneity and correlation.
Key words:  crops  spatial pattern  landscape pattern index  temporal and spatial variation