引用本文:独文惠,覃志豪※,黎 业.热红外遥感及其在农业旱情监测中的应用研究进展[J].中国农业信息,2018,30(2):24-41
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独文惠, 覃志豪※, 黎 业
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业部农业信息技术重点实验室,北京 100081
【目的】梳理目前热红外遥感研究进展,探讨热红外遥感技术在农业旱情监测方面 的应用现状,为热红外遥感技术在土壤水分反演和旱情监测方面的应用探明发展道路。 【方法】文章通过系统梳理和总结国内外热红外遥感及其在农业旱情监测中的应用研究进展, 分析了目前研究存在的问题,并对未来热红外遥感在农业旱灾监测中的应用进行了展望。 【结果】热红外遥感已经形成多源遥感数据和多时空分辨率数据并存的局面,地表温度遥感 定量反演和地表蒸散发遥感估算已经取得较大进展,但热红外遥感数据产品系统生产仍然面 临许多问题,尤其是时空尺度、云影响、像元间可比性和反演精度等问题,仍然需要开展深 入的研究;目前农业旱情遥感监测已经取得了较大进展,国内外学者提出了多种不同的表 征指数监测方法,但由于热红外遥感存在的许多固有问题,农业旱情遥感监测仍面临许多挑 战,尤其是从热红外遥感前沿问题出发开展农业旱情遥感监测模型研究。【结论】在对地观 测大数据时代背景下,热红外遥感及其在农业旱情遥感监测中的应用,迫切需要进一步深入 研究全天候高精度地表温度遥感反演、高精度农田蒸散遥感定量估算、时空尺度转换与多尺 度监测、旱情监测机理模型构建等前沿学术问题,同时,这些问题也是农业旱情遥感监测获 得突破性进展的重要方向。热红外遥感理论与方法的发展,将有力地推动我国农业旱情监测 精度的提高,为现代精准农业发展保驾护航。
关键词:  热红外遥感  农业旱情监测  农业灾害遥感  地表温度遥感反演
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“农作物旱情遥感监测中像元地表温度可比性校正方法研究”( 41771406);国家自然科学基金项目“热红外遥感图像中有云像元的地表温度估算方法研究”(41471300);中国农业科学院科技创新工程协同创新项目课题“空天地网农业监测大数据挖掘与深度分析关键技术研究”(CAASXTCX2016007-4)
Advances in thermal infrared remote sensing and its application in agricultural drought monitoring
Du Wenhui, Qin Zhihao※, Li Ye
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081
[Purpose]The current research progress of thermal infrared remote sensing is summarized,the agricultural drought monitoring methods of thermal infrared remote sensing technology are illustrated and discussed to explore a development track for the thermal infrared remote sensing technology in soil moisture retrieval and agricultural drought monitoring. [Methods] In this paper,the problems and research progress of thermal infrared remote sensing and its application in agricultural drought monitoring is systematically analyzed,Furthermore, future development direction of the thermal infrared remote sensing in agricultural drought monitoring are discussed.[ Result] Multi-source thermal infrared remote sensing data having a variety of different spatial and temporal resolution are produced. Great progress has been made in quantitative retrieval of land surface temperature and surface evaporation estimation,but the production of product system for thermal infrared remote sensing data still faces some problems,especially in comparability of pixel level,time and space scales,cloud effect and retrieval precision. Therefore,further research is still needed. Great progress has been made in remote sensing agricultural drought monitoring,a variety of characterization index monitoring methods were proposed,but due to many inherent problems of thermal infrared remote sensing,still face many challenges in agricultural drought monitoring by remote sensing,especially the agricultural drought monitoring model research from the angle of the thermal infrared remote sensing research frontier problems.[ Conclusion]In the context of earth observation big data era,for the thermal infrared remote sensing and its application in agricultural drought monitoring is need further indepth study of the frontier academic problems,such as high-accuracy quantitative retrieval of all-weather land surface temperature,farmland evapotranspiration estimation in high accuracy, the transform of different space-time scales,multi-scale drought monitoring and model building of monitoring mechanism,etc. At the same time these problems are also an important breakthrough direction for agricultural drought monitoring. The development of thermal infrared remote sensing theory and method will strongly promote the improvement of agricultural drought monitoring accuracy in China and support the development of modern precision in agriculture.
Key words:  thermal infrared remote sensing  agricultural drought monitoring  remote sensing ofagricultural disasters  land surface temperature remote sensing retrieval