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目的 对河南省的信息进村入户综合服务平台进行应用效果评价分析。方法 通过对河南省18个地市、105个县区的用户进行问卷调研,对平台的应用效果进行定量分析。文章从信息质量、平台质量、服务质量、平台安全性、平台柔性5个维度,构建科学、系统、定性定量、具备可行性和可比性的河南省信息进村入户综合服务平台满意度评价指标体系。结果 通过对平台应用效果满意度分析,综合服务平台信息有效性达60.1%、全面性达59.6%、专业性达58.4%、及时性达60%;平台辨识度达58.1%,反应速度达52.7%,说明综合服务平台的信息质量、服务质量、平台柔性满足用户要求,同时发现平台存在信息提供准确程度不高、内容丰富程度不高、友好程度不高等问题,并针对相关问题提出改进措施。结论 河南信息进村入户综合服务平台整体能满足用户需求,但在内容丰富度、界面友好性上仍需进一步研究。
关键词:  信息进村入户  综合服务平台  效果评估  河南省
Application effect on the service platform of information-entering-village in Henan province
Zhang Shulun,Guo Zhijie,Liang Yun
Beijing Nongxintong Technology CO. LTD,Beijing 100086,China
Purpose The information-entering-village initiative is to solve the “last step” problem of rural informatization,aiming to build up a “government,service providers and operators” trinity propulsion mechanism,which enables the information service of precision to home and convenience to village. This article mainly focuses on the information-entering-village in Henan province for an assessment of application effectiveness.Method In this article,the application effect of the platform was quantitatively analyzed through questionnaire survey of farmer users in 18 prefecture-level cities and 105 counties/districts in Henan province. The evaluation system of the platform was constructed considering five aspects,including information quality,platform quality,service quality,platform security,and flexibility. It builds up a scientific and systematic,qualitative and quantitative,feasible and comparable comprehensive service platform satisfaction evaluation index system.Results The effect satisfaction shows that the information efficiency of service platform,comprehensiveness,and professionalism timeliness reached at 60.1%,59.6%,58.4% respectively. Platform identification was 58.1%,and the reaction rate was 52.7%,and the integrated service platform of information quality,service quality,platform flexibly to meet user’s requirements. It also found out that information platform to provide accurate degree is not high,which do not have a high level of rich content. The friendly degree is not high as well. Moreover,improvement measures are proposed for related problems.Conclusion Service platform of information-entering-village in Henan province can meet the user’s demand in general,but it still needs further studies in terms of content richness and interface friendliness.
Key words:  information-entering-village  service platform  performance assessment  Henan province