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目的 随着我国动物进出口贸易活动的不断增长,进境动物给我国带来的疫病风险也急剧增长,检验检疫工作难度也随之加大。文章将互联网技术运用到传统的检验检疫管理工作中,为解决当前进境动物面临的检验检疫管理、疫病预警、风险评估等问题提供快速手段。方法 文章以浙江省各进出口口岸为例,利用WebGIS、Vue.js、PHP和数据库等技术,构建进境动物疫病预警信息系统。系统划分为6个功能模块,包括:资料管理、检疫管理、产品溯源、风险预警、统计分析、系统管理。结果 定期发布进境动物疫病监测数据,包括出口国疫病流行状况、我国派驻境外预检人员的实地监测信息以及我国国内隔离检疫数据等于一体的监测数据,为进境口岸、企业提供及时、充分的出口国动物疫情预警信息。结论 研究将有助于提高进境动物检验检疫的工作和管理水平,也为相关行政部门提供科学的决策依据,使之有的放矢地进行进口检疫管理和风险控制。
关键词:  进境动物  溯源系统  风险评估  WebGIS
Design and implementation of early warning information system for imported animal diseases
Xie Dandan,Hong Wubin,Xu Jintao,You Qihao,Shi Zhou
College of Environmental and Resource Sciences,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310029,China
Purpose With the continuous growth of the import and export trade of animals in China and abroad,the disease risk brought to China by imported animals has also increased sharply,making the inspection and quarantine work more difficult. The paper applies Internet technology to the traditional inspection and quarantine management,and provides a quick way to solve the problems of inspection and quarantine management,disease early warning and risk assessment faced by animals entering the country.Method In the paper,we used WebGIS,Vue. js,PHP and database technology to build an early warning information system for imported animal diseases,and the import and export ports in Zhejiang Province were chosen as the study area. The system is divided into six functional modules,including data management,quarantine management,product traceability,risk warning,statistical analysis,and system management.Result The monitoring data of imported animal diseases including the prevalence of disease in the supply countries,the field monitoring information measured by stationed abroad inspection personal and the quarantine data of China,was regular released by warning information system.It provides timely and sufficient information for entry ports and enterprises.Conclusion This study will help improve the work and management level of the entry animal inspection and quarantine,and also provide scientific decision-making basis for the relevant administrative departments. Therefore,they could make scientific decisions for import quarantine management and risk control.
Key words:  imported animals  traceability system  risk assessment  WebGIS