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目的 我国是一个农业大国,农业生产在我国占着举足轻重的地位,无人机植保在农业生产中应用越来越广泛,极大地促进了农业植保的快速发展。建立易操作的智能化平台更有利于无人机植保的快速推广应用。方法 文章提出了建立基于Web的无人机飞行规划平台,在平台中集成影像和DEM等各类数据,由专业技术人员进行远程三维仿地飞行规划,普通用户只需要在移动飞行规划平台上同步下载规划任务,完成傻瓜式的一键飞行,顺利完成植保任务。结果 通过实地实验测试,文章中的研究方案可以智能化地完成农业植保任务,显著提高无人机植保的安全性和易用性。结论 针对现代化农业植保中存在的问题,文章提出的基于WEB的无人机三维仿地飞行规划在农业植保中的应用方案,可以有效解决无人机植保操控复杂、技术程度要求高等问题,提升了农业植保的信息化、智能化程度。
关键词:  农业植保  航线规划  三维仿地  任务下载  一键飞行
Application of 3D imitation flight planning of drone based onWEB in agricultural plant protection
Bai Mingliang1,Fan Chong1,He Minghong2
1.Central South University,School of Earth Sciences and Information Physics,Changsha 410083,China;2.Hunan Changtu Information Technology Co.,Ltd.. Changsha 410083,China
Purpose China is a big agricultural country. Agricultural production plays an important role in China. Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) plant protection is more and more widely used in agricultural production,which greatly promotes the rapid development of agricultural plant protection. Establishing an easy-to-operate intelligent platform is more conducive to the rapid popularization and application of drone plant protection.Methods This paper proposes to establish a Web-based UAV flight planning platform,which integrates image and DEM data,and carries out long-distance three-dimensional ground-like flight planning by professional technicians. Ordinary users only need to download planning tasks synchronously on the mobile flight planning platform to complete a key fool-like flight and the plant protection task.Result Field experiments show that the research scheme in this paper can successfully and intelligently complete the task of agricultural plant protection,and significantly improve the safety and operation of UAV plant protection.Conclusion Regarding the existing problems in modern agricultural plant protection,the application of Web-based three-dimensional simulation flight planning of UAV in agricultural plant protection can effectively solve the complex operation and high technical requirements of UAV plant protection,and improve the informatization and intelligence of agricultural plant protection.
Key words:  agricultural plant protection  route planning  3D simulation  task download  one key flight