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目的 在《乡村振兴战略规划(2018—2022年)》中提出要实施数字乡村战略,加快物联网、地理信息、智能设备等现代信息技术与农村生产生活的全面深度融合的背景下,开展国家农业农村地理信息服务平台的建设工作,有助于推进农业空间信息资源共享开放,加强农业政务信息化水平和全面提高科学决策、市场监管、政务服务水平。方法 国家农业农村地理信息服务平台采用地理信息服务总线GEO-ESB技术,提升了数据在线托管与分布式交换能力;采用云原生架构可以保障农业地理信息平台具备更快的上线速度;采用边缘计算技术,提升地理服务效率;采用空间大数据GIS技术体系,提升空间大数据的处理和分析挖掘能力。结果 通过国家农业农村地理信息服务平台建设,可以实现农业GIS应用平台的快速搭建,平台探索了部本级及与各省级农业农村部门及跨部委的地理信息资源的共享模式,平台实现时空大数据的一体化存储、管理、查询、分析、决策、二三维可视化等方面的服务,利于种植、畜牧兽医、渔业渔政、农产品质量安全监管、科技教育、资源环境、国际合作、农业气象等行业和领域的整合升级。结论 通过不断建设国家农业农村地理信息服务平台,将为农业农村信息化建设提供重要的信息化支撑。
关键词:  农业农村  信息化  地理信息  服务平台
Prospects for the construction of national agricultural and rural geographic information service platform
Dong Chunyan
Information Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China
Purpose The Strategic Planning for Rural Revitalization(2018—2022)aims to implement the digital rural strategy,accelerate the comprehensive and deep integration of modern information technologies such as Internet of Things,geographic information and intelligent equipment,for agricultural production and rural livelihood improvement. Therefore,constructing the national agricultural and rural geographic information service platform would provide great benefits for promoting the sharing and opening of agricultural spatial information resources, improving the level of informatization of agricultural government affairs,and improving the level of scientific decision-making,market supervision and government service in an all-round way.Method The National Agricultural and Rural Geographic Information Service Platform adopts the GEO-ESB technology,which improves the ability of data online hosting and distributing exchanges;It not only uses the cloud native architecture to ensure that the Agricultural Geographic Information Platform has faster online speed,but also adopts the edge computing technology to improve the efficiency of geographic services. With the technology system of spatial big data GIS,the ability of processing and analyzing spatial big data is markedly improved.Result The National Agricultural Rural Geographic Information Service Platform helps to realize the rapid construction of agricultural GIS application;It explores the sharing mode of geographic information resources not only between the ministerial level and provincial levels but also between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. The platform helps the integration of storage,management,query,analysis and multi-dimensional visualization for the spatial-temporal big data, which further provides supports for decision-making, planting,animal husbandry and veterinary,fisheries and fishery administration,agricultural product quality and safety supervision,science and technology education,resources and environment,international cooperation,agrometeorology and other industries and areas of integration and upgrading.Conclusion The persistent effort on building the National Agricultural and Rural Geographic Information Service Platform will provide important information support for the construction of agricultural and rural informatization.
Key words:  agriculture and rural  informatization  geographic information  service platform