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目的 利用堆肥发酵的方式处理农业废弃物是当前农业环境污染的热点问题,不但能够降低农业废弃物产生的环境污染,而且还能将其转化为有机肥料,替代化肥重新作用于农业生产当中,文章进行好氧发酵无线温湿度控制平台的研究有利于提高堆肥质量并缩短堆肥周期。方法 该平台利用STC15F2K60S2单片机作为下位机控制核心,控制温湿度传感器SHT11对好氧发酵反应器中4个不同深度的发酵点位进行温湿度检测,将检测数据通过jzx875无线通讯设备,实时传输到基于Visual Studio 2010搭建的上位机软件平台,进行数据的显示、存储以及发酵状态的判定,并为发酵环境的调控提供决策意见。当好氧发酵反应器中的温度或湿度监测值超出预设的阈值区间,下位机控制加热、加湿、通风设备及搅拌电机转动,使反应器中的发酵反应处于最优发酵环境,能够缩短发酵周期、提高发酵效率。结果 通过设计对照实验,对好氧发酵无线温湿度控制平台进行有效性测试。与对照组相比,经该平台监测调控的实验组,能够较快提高堆体温度进入高温发酵期且完成整个发酵周期所需的时间明显少于对照组。在整个实验过程中,下位机系统能够根据预设阈值有效调控电机对反应器进行温湿度调控,上位机界面能够在线实时监测堆体温湿度数据并将检测到的数据有效存储到数据库当中。结论 该平台能够较好地在线监测发酵堆体的反应情况并进行环境调控,使发酵堆体处于最优发酵环境当中,继而达到缩短发酵周期、提高农业废弃物处理效率的目的。
关键词:  单片机  好氧发酵  无线通讯  控制系统  上位机
Research on wireless temperature and humidity control platform for aerobic fermentation
Liu Guanxiong1,Li Aichuan1,Li Jijin2,Hu Jun1
1.College of Electrical and Information,Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University,Daqing 163319,China;2.Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resources,Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100089,China
Purpose Using composting fermentation to handle agricultural production waste is a hot topic in agricultural environmental pollution control,because it not only reduces the environmental pollution from agricultural production waste,but also provides a method to produce organic fertilizer which could be used as a substitute of chemical fertilizer. However,how to effectively improve the quality of compost and shorten the composting cycle deserves in-depth investigations.Method A platform has been developed which utilizes STC15F2K60S2 MCU as the control core of the lower computer. It controls SHT11 sensors to detect temperature and humidity at four different depths of fermenting points in the aerobic fermentation reactor,and transmits the detection data to the upper computer platform based on the Visual Studio 2010 programming software,through the wireless communication equipment called jzx875. The upper computer system displays the transmitted data on the interface,saves the data in the computer database,makes a definition about the fermentation condition and shows its decision-opinion to change the fermentation environment by regulating the electrical equipment. When the value of temperature or humidity in the aerobic fermentation reactor exceeds the threshold,the lower computer drives the solenoid valve of the electrical equipment to transformation. It will also regulate the rotation of motors to detect and control the environmental variables on the detecting points where electrical control in the fermentation reactor is needed,in order to make the fermentation reaction in the best environment and improve the efficiency of fermentation with shorten the fermentation period.Result A set of experiments have been designed to test the effectiveness of wireless temperature and humidity control platform for aerobic fermentation. Compared with the control group,the experimental group monitored and regulated by the platform could raise temperature faster and finish the fermentation cycle with less time than the formal. The lower computer could regulate the electrical equipment effectively according to the threshold to change the fermentation environment at the reactor. The upper computer can monitor the fermentation environment indexes timely and save the detection data in the database effectively.Conclusion The platform can monitor the reactions of the fermentation reactor on-line and regulate the environment,in order to make the reactor in the best conditions for fermentation,then achieve the goal of shortening the fermentation cycle and improving the efficiency of agricultural waste treatment.
Key words:  MCU  aerobic fermentation  wireless communication  control system  upper computer