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河池市农业区划委员会办公室/河池市区域农业遥感监测站,广西 河池547000
目的 基于GIS技术构建农业综合信息服务平台,为农业综合信息服务的智慧化提供方法思路和手段。方法 以广西河池为例,设计开发了基于GIS的农业综合信息服务平台。平台采用B/S架构,采用C#作为开发语言,属性数据库使用SQL Server数据库管理系统,空间数据库使用PostgreSQL数据库管理系统,WebGIS前端采用ArcGIS API for JS。【结果/结论 采用GIS技术,可以构建智慧农业综合信息服务平台,实现农业综合信息的数字化管理和可视化展示,推动农业信息共享互通,为农业的智慧化管理和综合服务提供技术支撑,推进农业向智能化、现代化发展。该平台可以作为智慧农业的基础支撑平台,为智慧农业数据采集、数据展示、数据应用、数据分析、数据共享提供有效的手段。
关键词:  GIS  农业  信息系统  信息服务
Design and implementation of integrated agriculture information service platform based on GIS
Huang Tianliang,Huang Qiurong,Ge Jidong,Luo Yuhao,Pu Chunyan
Hechi City Agricultural District Committee Office/Hechi City Regional Agricultural Remote Sensing Station,Guangxi Hechi 54700,China
Purpose Constructing agricultural comprehensive information service platform based on GIS technology to provide methods and ideas for intelligentization of agricultural comprehensive information service.Method This paper takes Guangxi Hechi as the study area to design and develop a comprehensive agricultural information service platform based on GIS. The platform adopts B/S framework,C# development language,the SQL Server attribute database management system,the PostgreSQL spatial database management system,and the ArcGIS API for JS front end. [Result/Conclusion With GIS technology,we can build a comprehensive information service platform for smart agriculture,realize digital management and visual display of comprehensive agricultural information,promote the sharing of agricultural information,provide technical support for intelligent management and comprehensive services of agriculture,and promote the intelligentization and modernization of agriculture. The platform can be used as a basic support platform for smart agriculture,which can provide an effective method for intelligent agricultural data collection,data display,data application,data analysis,and data sharing.
Key words:  GIS  agricultural  information system  information service