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目的 信息技术与经济社会的交汇融合引发了数据迅猛增长,数据已成为国家基础性战略资源。方法 为深入了解我国农业农村大数据发展应用情况,文章详细介绍了我国农业农村大数据的发展现状,重点分析了存在的问题及挑战,以及应遵循的路径。结果 提出了加强顶层设计、推动共享开放、强化应用、完善法律法规的政策建议。结论 通过发展农业农村大数据,将有效推动我国农业农村信息化发展步伐,我国农业农村大数据发展前景广阔、大有可为。
关键词:  数字农业  数字乡村  大数据  全产业链
Development and application of agricultural and rural big data in China
Kang Chunpeng1,Dong Chunyan1,Wang Wenyue2,Lin Caixia3
1.The Information Center of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of PRC,Beijing 100125,China;2.China Rural Technology Development Center,Beijing 100045,China;3.Agriculture Information Center of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,Xinjiang 830052,China
Purpose The convergence of information technology and economic society has led to the rapid growth of data. And data has already become a national basic strategic resource.Method In order to deeply understand the development and application of agricultural and rural big data in China,this paper specifically introduces the development status of agricultural and rural big data in China,emphatically focuses on analyzing the problems and challenges and summarize the paths in the construction.Result Policy suggestions are put forward in the last,such as strengthening top design,promoting sharing and opening,intensifying application,and perfecting laws and regulations.Conclusion It shows that the development of agricultural and rural big data will effectively promote the pace of agricultural and rural informatization in China. The development of agricultural and rural big data in China has great potential and broad prospects.
Key words:  digital agriculture  digital village  big data  whole industry chain