引用本文: | 吴文斌,余强毅,杨 鹏,陆 苗,胡 琼,宋 茜,史 云,孙 晶,张保辉,史中超.农业土地资源遥感研究动态评述[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(3):1-12 |
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农业土地资源遥感研究动态评述 |
吴文斌1, 余强毅1, 杨 鹏1, 陆 苗1, 胡 琼2, 宋 茜1, 史 云1, 孙 晶1, 张保辉1, 史中超3
1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京100081;2.华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,武汉430070;3.日本东京都市大学环境科学学院,神奈川224-8551
摘要: |
【目的】作为地球陆地系统最重要的组成部分,农业土地系统对于确保国家粮食安全与资源安全,科学理解人—地耦合关系具有重要作用。【方法】文章从农业土地系统科学视角出发,系统梳理了农业土地资源遥感的总体框架,围绕4个核心内容的研究现状、进展和存在问题进行了深入论述。【结果】农业土地资源遥感包括资源调查和变化监测两个主要任务,其核心内容包括:耕地资源的数量和空间分布调查、农作物种植结构调查、农业土地集约化利用监测、农业土地利用时空变化监测等。【结论】面向当前和今后相当长时间内智慧农业、农业高质量与绿色发展的迫切需求,农业土地资源遥感需要从系统性和整体性的科学视角来开展综合研究,天空地一体化、多源数据、多时空尺度和多技术方法的综合集成将是未来农业土地资源遥感研究的重点发展方向。 |
关键词: 农业土地资源 遥感 监测 调查 识别 精度 时空 |
DOI:10.12105/j.issn.1672-0423.20190301 |
分类号: |
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目“中国耕地复种潜力提升空间及优化配置”(41871356) |
Latest research progresses in agricultural land resources remote sensing |
Wu Wenbin1, Yu Qiangyi1, Yang Peng1, Lu Miao1, Hu Qiong2, Song Qian1, Shi Yun1, Sun Jing1, Zhang Baohui1, Shi Zhongchao3
1.Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.College of Urban & Environmental Science,Central China Normal University,Hubei Wuhan 430079,China;3.Faculty of Environmental Studies,Tokyo City University,Kanagawa 224-8551,Japan
Abstract: |
[Purpose]As one of the most important components of the earth terrestrial system,agricultural land systems play an important role in ensuring national food security and resourcesecurity,and scientifically understanding the relationships of coupled human-nature systems.[Method]From the perspective of agricultural land systems,this paper systematically proposes the overall framework of agricultural land resources remote sensing,and describes the research status,progresses and existing problems in the four core topics of agricultural land resources remote sensing.[Result]It is proposed that remote sensing of agricultural land resources includes two main tasks,i. e. ,resource survey and change monitoring,and four core topics including survey of quantity and spatial distribution of cultivated land,mapping of crop planting structure,monitoring of agricultural land use intensification and monitoring of spatial-temporal change in agricultural land use.[ Conclusion]For satisfying the urgent development needs of current and future smart agriculture,high-quality agriculture and green agriculture,agricultural land resources remote sensing should be focused on the integrated studies from a systematic and holistic view,and the integration of satellite,aerial and ground platforms,multi-source data,multi-spatiotemporal scales and multi-technical methods will be the key development direction of remote sensing of agricultural land resources in the future. |
Key words: agricultural land resources remote sensing monitoring survey identification accuracy spatio-temporal |