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颜祥照, 姚艳敏※, 张霄羽
中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京100081
【目的】土壤有机质是衡量土壤肥力高低的重要指标,土壤有机质制图对了解土壤肥力空间分布格局,开展培肥地力、耕地质量评价、土壤碳循环研究、土壤污染治理等具有重要意义。基于遥感技术的土壤有机质制图是土壤学科新兴的研究方向和热点问题。文章全面总结土壤有机质遥感制图方法的发展和应用,展望未来土壤有机质遥感制图研究趋势,为土壤有机质制图工作提供参考。【方法】该文采用文献综述的方法,回顾和总结了近年来国内外土壤有机质遥感制图研究进展,对比分析了多光谱遥感法、结合遥感数据的土壤有机质预测性制图法、高光谱遥感影像直接法等3 类土壤有机质遥感制图方法的优势和局限性;重点分析了影响成像高光谱土壤有机质制图精度的因素,阐述了土壤有机质光谱敏感波段、建模方法选择的研究进展、存在的问题及发展趋势。【结果/ 结论】(1)多光谱遥感数据为土壤有机质制图提供了丰富的植被覆盖、土地利用、气候等土壤成土环境因素信息,广泛应用于大尺度范围或复杂地形区域的土壤有机质制图,但表达土壤有机质空间分布细微差异不够精细化;(2)高光谱遥感数据参与土壤有机质制图,提高了土壤有机质制图精细度,但需要加强土壤有机质光谱敏感波段优选以及适宜的土壤有机质高光谱建模方法研究;(3)中红外高光谱遥感具有土壤有机质预测和制图的潜力,该领域的发展值得期待。
关键词:  土壤有机质  制图  遥感  高光谱
The progress and prospect of soil organic matter mapping based on remote sensing technology
Yan Xiangzhao, Yao Yanmin※, Zhang Xiaoyu
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]Soil organic matter( SOM)content is an important index to measure soil fertility. SOM mapping is of great significance for understanding the spatial distribution pattern of soil fertility,carrying out soil fertility improvement,cultivated land quality evaluation,soil carbon cycle research and soil pollution control. SOM mapping based on remote sensing technology is a new research direction in soil science. This paper summarizes the development and application of SOM mapping based on remote sensing and looks forward to its future research trend. Method]This paper reviews and summarizes the research progress of SOM mapping based on remote sensing by means of literature review. The advantages and limitations of SOM mapping by multi-spectral remote sensing,combining with remote sensing data and hyperspectral remote sensing images are compared and analyzed. Moreover,the factors affecting the accuracy of SOM mapping from hyperspectral imagery is mostly analyzed,and the research progress and existing problems of SOM spectral sensitive band and modeling method selection are illustrated. [Result/Conclusion](1)Multispectral remote sensing data provide rich information on vegetation cover,land use and climate,and are widely used on SOM mapping in large scale area or complex terrain area. However,SOM spatial variability is not well expressed in small scale area;(2)Hyperspectral remote sensing data can improve the spatial difference precision of SOM mapping. But it is necessary to strengthen studies on the optimization of SOM spectral sensitive bands and appropriate hyperspectral modeling methods;(3)Mid-infrared hyperspectral remote sensing has the potential of SOM prediction and mapping,and the relevant researches are expected to be carried out.
Key words:  soil organic matter  mapping  remote sensing  hyperspectral