引用本文:孙 宁,李存军,张 骞,王艾萌,淮贺举※.国内外现代农业园区发展进程及经验借鉴[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(3):27-38
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孙 宁, 李存军, 张 骞, 王艾萌, 淮贺举※
关键词:  国内外  现代农业园区  发展进程
The development process of modern agricultural parks of China and foreign countries and its experience
Sun Ning, Li Cunjun, Zhang Qian, Wang Aimeng, Huai Heju※
Beijing Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture,Beijing 100097,China
[Purpose]The purpose of this study is to solve the problems in the development of modern agricultural parks of China,and to promote the further development of modern agricultural parks.[Method]This paper analyzes the development history of modern agricultural parks in the United States,Germany,the Netherlands,and Japan,and make some suggestions for China’s development:[Result](1)The development of modern agricultural parks in the United States,Germany,the Netherlands and Japan is in a leading position,and has formed a scientific development theory and a sound service system;(2)China’s modern agricultural park started late but develops rapidly,and can learn from foreign agriculture. The development experience of the park further promotes the construction and promotion of modern agricultural parks in China. [Conclusion]Under the new era,the focus of the construction and development of China’s modern agricultural parks are:First,to enrich the diversified investment channels led by the government,improve the preferential policies for the construction and development of the park;second,to formulate the goal of building the park according to local conditions,and to clarify the functional orientation of the park;third,to integrate the development of production,education and research,to strengthen the support system for scientific and technological innovation and to strengthen the macro management of the park and improve the public service system;Fifth,to rely on the leading enterprises to establish the characteristic industries and to strengthen the concept of industrialization;sixth,to expand the operation mode of the park in an all-round way,and to expand and enrich the profit model,expect to provide reference for further improvement of the construction,management and promotion of modern agricultural parks in China.
Key words:  domestic and foreign  modern agricultural park  development process