引用本文:钱建平,范蓓蕾,史 云,吴文斌.基于区块链的农产品可信追溯系统框架构建[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(3):48-57
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钱建平, 范蓓蕾, 史 云, 吴文斌
关键词:  追溯  区块链  农产品  联盟链
The structure of credible traceability system for agricultural products based on blockchain
Qian Jianping, Fan Beilei, Shi Yun, Wu Wenbin
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]Traceability is an important method to ensure the safety of agricultural products. Studying the credible traceability system for agricultural products based on blockchain provides ideas and methods to solve the problems of traditional traceability systems such as broken chain and low credibility.[ Method]Analysing the traditional traceability technologies and the problems existed in the application of traditional traceability system in China,this paper proposes a credible traceability system framework based on blockchain and discusses the key technologies of the system.[ Result]The credible traceability system consists of six layers,including supply chain layer,data layer,network layer,consensus layer,contract layer and application layer. Based on consortium blockchain access mechanism,it takes the key technologies such as traceable block data structure of supply chain,traceable subject identity authentication mechanism and agricultural product safety consensus mechanism to solve the problems of data storage,security audit,node authentication and other issues in agricultural products traceability for the government,organizations,enterprises and consumers.[ Conclusion]The credible traceability system of agricultural products based on blockchain solves the problems of traditional traceability system,and guarantees the reliability and security of traceability information from the technical level. It provides an effective solution to realize supply chain traceability.
Key words:  traceability  blockchain  agricultural products  consortium blockchain