引用本文:肖 强,万 田,王 龑,罗清尧,杨 亮,熊本海※.石山壅羊精细养殖管理平台开发与应用[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(3):58-67
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肖 强1, 万 田1, 王 龑1, 罗清尧2, 杨 亮2, 熊本海※2
【目的】为提高壅羊繁殖管理水平和繁育生产效率研究开发了石山壅羊精细养殖管理平台。【方法】文章基于石山壅羊种羊从妊娠、产羔、哺乳到下一个繁殖周期的生产管理工艺,设计了母羊基本信息的数据采集标准规范,建立了壅羊场模型和壅羊个体档案数据库并基于SQL Server 2012 数据库及.Net 编程技术,设计开发了壅羊种羊从繁殖、哺乳及健康管理等信息化管理平台。【结果】该平台实现了对壅羊繁殖状态、哺乳生产与周转核心数据的远程化数字管理,主要功能包括繁殖性能参数如胎间距、种羊胎次结构、高低产母羊、系谱跟踪及羊只资料卡等在线动态分析与数据导出,发情配种、初检复检、产羔泌乳、淘汰及羔羊断奶等各类生产事件的智能提醒,以及各种繁殖参数的可视化图形统计分析等。【结论】对雍羊繁殖与生产过程数据的分析及挖掘,提升了基础数据的利用价值,更有利于壅羊场管理者的科学决策。
关键词:  壅羊场  繁殖  泌乳  精细养殖管理  系谱跟踪
Study on precision feeding management platform of Shishan yong goat farms
Xiao Qiang1, Wan Tian1, Wang Yan1, Luo Qingyao2, Yang Liang2, Xiong Benhai※2
1.Hainan ZhongHai Grid Agriculture Technology Co.,Ltd. Hainan 570100,China;2.Institute of Animal Science,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100193,China
[Purpose]The main purpose of this study is to realize precision feeding management of Shishan yong goats and to increase the breeding efficiency of yong goats.[Method]Based on the yong goats’ production process from pregnancy,lambing,lactation to dry milk and their growth stages,we divide the breeding goats into 3 types as reserved ewes,young pregnant ewes and adult pregnant ewes.[Result]Some standards and specifications of essential information of yong goat breeding were set and the goats precision feeding management platform was constructed by using the .Net and SQL Server 2012 network database system. The platform realized the remote network database management of essential breeding and lactating process information or data. It could implement the online dynamic analysis,directional sorting and output of data like the average lambing interval,parity structure,production performance,genealogy tracking or ewes’ electronic archives,and also realized the intelligent alert of various process parameters such as estrus,pregnancy test,lambing,lactation,dry milk and eliminating etc.,as well as the statistical and graphic analysis of various reproductive process parameters.[ Conclusion]All these data mining and analysis expands the available value of production data and supply more convenience for the farm managers to make scientific decisions.
Key words:  yong goat farm  breeding  lactation  precision feeding management  genealogy tracking