引用本文:李淞淋,徐伟平,李 洁.国内外应对非洲猪瘟疫情的信息技术应用讨论[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(3):89-97
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李淞淋1, 徐伟平1, 李 洁2
【目的】通过挑选和梳理国内外借助信息技术在防控非洲猪瘟疫情方面的经验教训,在充分考虑我国生猪养殖范围分散、运输路程较长等劣势和信息化充分发展的优势下,提出借助信息化手段实现“防猪瘟、稳生产、保供给”的政策措施。【方法】通过数量分析和对比研究ASF 对我国不同地区的猪肉供需形势造成的影响,以天津市为研究区详细研究其利用信息化技术防控传染源、跟踪监控传播路径、加强监管疫病携带体、引导生猪产业升级的经验,并绘制生猪产业链信息追溯体系流程。同时,整理归纳西班牙、古巴、俄罗斯等国在防控ASF 方面的经验教训。【结果】利用信息技术提高生猪全产业链信息化水平,重点在生猪养殖、疫病防控、疫病处理、生猪及制品运输等方面提高物联网覆盖率,提升信息采集共享、数据加工分析、先兆预警等全方位的能力。【结论】文章结合我国实际情况,提出高水平规模化养殖、借助物联网筛查ASF 发生点、构建疫情预警和紧急处置信息化平台、完善质量安全全程监管可追溯等四大重要措施,利用信息技术防控ASF、保障猪肉供给,充分发挥我国在信息化、数字化、网络化的优势,提高我国应对非洲猪瘟的能力。
关键词:  信息化应用  疫病防控  非洲猪瘟  猪肉供给
The applications of IT methods to deal with the ASF at home and abroad
Li Songlin1, Xu Weiping1, Li Jie2
1.Information Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100125,China;2.Information Center,Committee of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Tianjin,Tianjin 300061,China
[Purpose]This paper aims to provide suggestions on how to use IT technology to realize the integrated goals of“ preventing ASF( African Swine Fever), stabilizing productions, and protect suggestions”, based on some advanced cases in China and abroad[. Method]By quantitative analysis and comparisons of the influences of ASF on different regions’ pork supply and demand in China, this paper selects Tianjin, which has shown good performances in preventing ASF and protecting supply as a case. It studies the use of IT to monitor infection sources track propagation paths and to strengthen supervision and control of epidemic carriers, and to upgrade the pig industry, and then to depict the traceability system flow of the qualified pork. This paper also provides a literature review on the relevant researches in Spain, Cuba, Russia, by summarizing the disadvantages of the pig industries infected by ASF and provides their experiences of preventing ASF.[ Result]IT could be used to increase the information-level of the pig-raising industry, especially the links of the live pig breeding, epidemic prevention, epidemic treatment,and live pig and pork transport. It is expected to upgrade the IOT coverage, information selection and share, data dealt and analysis, and foreboding warning, which would realize the integrated goals of“ preventing ASF, stabilizing productions, and protect suggestions”.[ Conclusion]Considering the current reality in China, this paper puts forward four measures to prevent ASF and purport pork supply by IT, which are high-level scaled breeding, ASF detection based on IOT,building information platform of epidemic prediction and emergency disposal, and perfecting the tracing process of quality and safety.
Key words:  information technology application  epidemic prevention  African Swine Fever  pork supply