引用本文:钱建平,王宝刚,杨 涵,张保辉.基于适宜环境的果品冷链物流精准调控云平台框架设计[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(4):65-73
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钱建平1, 王宝刚2, 杨 涵1, 张保辉1
【目的】冷链物流已成为维持果品采后品质、降低产品损耗的重要手段;采集因素单 一、调控参数静态、信息共享度低已成为物流信息技术发展中面临的重要问题。【方法】文 章在分析冷链物流信息技术发展及问题的基础上,从温度和相对湿度两方面总结了主要果 品的冷链适宜环境,提出了果品冷链物流精准调控云平台,并探讨了技术实现的可行性。 【结果】以主要果品的冷链仓储和冷链运输为研究环节,以不同果品冷链需求特征为核心数 据,研制冷链环境监控终端,实现温湿度、气体、位置、开门状态等信息的实时感知;开发 果品冷链物流精准调控云平台,实现动态跟踪、实时监测、货架预测、异常报警、冷链反 演、产品追溯、统计分析等智能处理功能;开发冷链管理APP,实现参数设定、状态监测、 预警处置等功能。【结论】基于适宜环境的果品冷链物流精准调控云平台,既较好考虑了冷 链调控中的多参数特性和动态特性,又有利于实现冷链数据的充分共享;该文的框架设计可 为后期平台实现提供技术支撑。
关键词:  冷链物流  云平台  果品  温度
Design of cloud platform for precise regulation of fruit cold chain logistics based on appropriate environment
Qian Jianping1, Wang Baogang2, Yang Han1, Zhang Baohui1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081,China;2.Beijing Academy of Forestry and Pomology Sciences,Beijing 100093,China
[ Purpose]Cold chain logistics is an important means to maintain fruit quality after harvest and reduce product loss. However,the single collection factor,static control parameter and low degree information sharing are becoming a bottleneck in the development of logistics information technology. [Method]On the basis of analyzing the development and problems of cold chain logistics information technology,this paper summarizes the suitable environment of main fruits’ cold chain from the aspects of temperature and relative humidity,puts forward the cloud platform of precise regulation of fruits’ cold chain logistics,and discusses the feasibility of technology implementation. [Result]Taking the cold chain storage and transportation of main fruits as a research stage,and taking the demand characteristics of different fruits’ cold chain as the core data,the cold chain environmental monitoring terminal is developed to realize realtime perception of temperature and humidity,gas,location,door opening status and other information;The cloud platform for precise regulation of fruit cold chain logistics was developed and had realized intelligent processing functions such as dynamic tracking,real-time monitoring, shelf life prediction,abnormal alarm,cold chain inversion,product traceability and statistical analysis;The cold chain management APP was developed to realize parameter setting,status monitoring,early warning and disposal and other functions. [Conclusion]The cloud platform for precise regulation of fruit cold chain logistics based on the appropriate environment not only takes into account the multi-parameter characteristics and dynamic characteristics of cold chain regulation,but also facilitates the full sharing of cold chain data.
Key words:  cold chain logistics  cloud platform  fruit  temperature