引用本文:李 娴,曹玉栋,李哲敏※.苹果品质的气体表达及感知技术现状[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(4):74-83
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李 娴1, 曹玉栋1, 李哲敏※1,2
【目的】水果品质检测技术,尤其是无损检测技术的发展和应用对苹果品质管理具有 重要作用,而其中气体表达和感知技术是水果品质无损检测的重要研究方向。【方法】文 章从苹果果实的气体表达角度出发,分别对苹果释放的香气(挥发性有机化合物主要成 分)、内源乙烯和呼吸作用中二氧化碳的产生、作用和研究意义进行阐述,同时对其现有检 测技术进行归纳总结。【结果】3类气体的产生具有紧密关联关系,其变化直接反映苹果的 品质状态,而现有检测技术多关注于单一对象贮藏期内变化情况,功能较单一,应用受限。 【结论】3类气体的检测对于提升果品品质、育种、贮藏等具有重要的意义和研究价值。苹 果气体感知技术和设备应该向低成本、高性能、多功能、集成化、智能化等方向加快发展速度。
关键词:  苹果  气味  香气  乙烯  二氧化碳  气体传感器  感知技术
基金项目:中国农业科学院科技创新工程项目“农业农村资源数字化管理创新团队”(CAAS-ASTIP-2016-AII-02); 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项“用于苹果品质无损精选分级的柔性智能感知器件研究” (Y2019XK18);农业农村部“现代农业人才支撑项目”
Gas expressions of apple quality and their sensing technologies
Li Xian1, Cao Yudong1, Li Zhemin※1,2
1.Agricultural Information Institute,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[ Purpose]The development and application of fruit quality detection technologies, especially the non-destructive detection technologies,play significant roles in the apple quality management. Among them,gas expression and sensing technologies are worthy for research. [Method]Herein,gas expression of apple fruit was researched,including the aroma (the main component of volatile organic compounds),ethylene released by apple and carbon dioxide produced by respiration process. The production,function,research significance and their existing detection technologies were introduced and summarized,respectively. [Result]The production of these gases is closely related,the changes of which directly reflect the quality status of apples. However,the attention of the existing detection techniques mainly focuses on the changes of single gas object in the storage period. The functions of the detectors are relatively simple,resulting in limited applications. [Conclusion]The detection of three types of gases is of great significance and research value for improving fruit quality,breeding,storage and so on. Low-cost,high performance,versatility,integration and intelligence are the developing trends of the gas sensing technologies and devices of apple fruit.
Key words:  apple  gas  aroma  ethylene  carbon dioxide  gas sensor  sensing technology