引用本文:王利民,刘 佳 ※,高建孟.中国苹果空间分布格局及年际动态变化分析[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(4):84-93
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王利民, 刘 佳 ※, 高建孟
【目的】对我国苹果种植现状及历史变化动态进行分析,获得我国苹果空间分布格局 及年际动态变化特征。【方法】文章基于历史统计数据,从苹果空间格局、种植面积动态分 析和空间格局变化趋势3个方面进行了分析。【结果】在空间格局上,我国苹果种植在空间 分布上呈现出以陕西省和山东省为中心的“双中心”分布特征;在苹果种植面积动态变化方 面,全国苹果种植面积呈现出先增加后降低,随后保持比较稳定的趋势,各省份苹果种植面 积变化规律呈现出“单峰”变化和“N字”变化两种类型;在苹果空间格局变化上,我国苹 果种植出现明显“西移”现象:陕西省和甘肃省苹果种植面积占比增长迅速,并成为我国 重要的苹果生产大省,山东省和辽宁省苹果种植面积占比下降明显,对我国苹果种植的影响 逐渐降低。【结论】利用变异系数对苹果种植面积的波动性进行了分析,结果表明在全国层 面,全国苹果种植面积变异系数为0.36,波动性较小,说明我国苹果种植面积总体稳定。在 各省层面,陕西省变异系数最大,甘肃省次之,变异系数最小的为辽宁省,变异系数分别为 0.61、0.58和0.27。表明陕西省与甘肃省苹果种植面积年际波动较大,而辽宁省苹果种植面 积年际波动较小。此外,通过分析苹果种植面积均值与变异系数的相关关系,发现苹果种植 面积年际变化波动性的高低与该省苹果种植面积的大小无显著相关关系。
关键词:  中国  苹果  统计数据  空间分布  动态变化
Analysis of spatial pattern and interannual dynamics of apple planting area in China
Wang Limin, Liu Jia※, Gao Jianmeng
Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[ Purpose]China is a major fruits production and consumption country in the world,and fruits play a very important role in the daily life of the people of the country. Apple is one of the fruits widely planted in the country,and currently China has become the largest apple production and consumption country. [Method]In order to accurately identify the current situation and changing law of apple planting of China,the paper conducted an analysis from three aspects of apple spatial pattern,planting area dynamics,and change trend of spatial pattern based on historical statistics. [Result]Analytical results show that,in regard to spatial pattern,the spatial distribution of apple-planting area shows a notable concentration,with “two concentrated areas” of Shannxi province and Shandong province;in regard to dynamitic change of apple-planting area,it shows a trend of increase first and then decrease,and finally maintains a basically stable state. Change law of apple planting area of provinces shows two type of changes:“ single peak” change and “N shape” change;in regard to spatial pattern change, the planning area of apple in China shows a notable “moving westwards”. [Conclusion]Apple planting area of Shannxi province and Gansu province shows a rapid increase,becoming major apple production provinces of China. The proportion of apple planting areas of Shandong province and Liaoning province shows a significant decrease,and the influence of the provinces on apple planting of the country is gradually reducing. By utilizing variable coefficient,the paper analyzes the fluctuation of apple planting areas. The results show that,in a national level,the variable coefficient of apple planting areas of the country was 0.36,with small fluctuation,indicating that the apple planting area of China maintained a stable state in general. In the level of provinces, Shannxi province had the highest variable coefficient,followed by Gansu province,and then Liaoning province,with their variable coefficients of 0.61,0.58 and 0.27 respectively. It also shows that the apple planting areas of Shannxi province and Gansu province had a higher interannual fluctuation,while apple planting areas of Liaoning province had small interannual fluctuation. In addition,by analysing the correlation between mean value of apple planting area and variable coefficients,the paper found that there was no significant correlation between interannual fluctuation of apple planting area and the apple planting area of a province.
Key words:  China  apple orchard  statistical data  spatial distribution  dynamic analysis