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张影1, 赵小娟2, 王迪※1
1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所/ 农业农村部农业遥感重点实验室,北京100081;2.青海省农牧业遥感中心,西宁810008
关键词:  高光谱  农作物  遥感  分类
Research advances on crop identification using hyperspectral remote sensing
Zhang Ying1, Zhao Xiaojuan2, Wang Di※1
1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Remote Sensing,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081,China;2.Qinghai Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Remote Sensing Center,Xining 810008,China
[Purpose]Crop type identification is an important prerequisite for crop area,growth monitoring and yield forecasting. Timely and accurate access to crop types,spatial distribution and acreage is important for developing agricultural policies,promoting social and economic development,and ensuring national food security. In recent years,hyperspectral remote sensing has been widely used in crop mapping due to its high spectral resolution and rich spectral information.[Method]This paper reviews the research progress of hyperspectral remote sensing applied to crop classification,summarizes the hyperspectral data sources commonly used in crop classification at home and abroad,and analyzes the applicable range of various data sources. The method of hyperspectral remote sensing classification of crops was sorted out,and the advantages and disadvantages of various classification methods were discussed. [Result]There are some shortcomings in the classification of existing crop hyperspectral remote sensing.(1)The spectral resolution of airborne hyperspectral imagery is high,but the image monitoring area is small,which is not suitable for large area crop area extraction research. (2)The spaceborne hyperspectral imagery has a large monitoring area,but the spatial resolution is low,and the precision of some crop area extraction is lower in practical applications.(3)Due to the lack of research on the hyperspectral characteristics of crops,the classification algorithm is not systematic and the universality is poor.[Conclusion]Future research direction of crop hyperspectral remote sensing classification.(1)Enriching crop types monitored by Hyperspectral Remote Sensing.(2)Improving the spatial resolution of hyperspectral images,and realize the classification of crops with complex crop planting structures and broken areas.(3)Further research on the mechanism of crop classification and multi-source data fusion using hyperspectral remote sensing.
Key words:  hyperspectral  crops  remote sensing  classification