引用本文:谢小曼,李俐※,张迁迁,陈琦琦,朱德海.SAR 遥感指数研究进展[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(5):13-24
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SAR 遥感指数研究进展
谢小曼1, 李俐※1,2, 张迁迁3, 陈琦琦1, 朱德海1,2
【目的】指数作为遥感信息的一种有效描述,在对大气、海洋、土壤和植被等进行定性、定量评估时具有重要意义。【方法】合成孔径雷达(SAR)技术利用微波与地表相互作用过程感测地表,SAR 遥感拥有丰富的地表散射强度和相位信息,具有一定物理意义又高度综合表征地物信息的SAR 遥感指数便于SAR 遥感技术的业务化应用,文章通过文献调研,对SAR 遥感指数及其在土壤表面状况监测、植被生长状况监测和植被信息快速提取中的应用研究现状进行分析。首先对SAR 相关指数进行整理,根据反映的地表覆被状况将其划分为土壤指数与植被指数两大类型;然后,分别针对SAR 遥感中具体的土壤指数和植被指数,从指数定义、物理意义、应用和精度等方面分析其优缺点。【结果/ 结论】国内外学者 对SAR 遥感指数开展了众多研究,但目前SAR 遥感指数还存在一些问题,在未来的研究中,需要充分挖掘多模式、多极化、多波段、多时相SAR 遥感数据的丰富信息,融合光学遥感及其他数据,从机理出发,构建更多物理意义明确的SAR 遥感指数。
关键词:  合成孔径雷达  遥感指数  土壤指数  植被指数
Advances in the study of SAR remote sensing index
Xie Xiaoman1, Li Li※1,2, Zhang Qianqian3, Chen Qiqi1, Zhu Dehai1,2
1.College of Land Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China;2.Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing for Agri-Hazards,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100083,China;3.College of Information and Electrical Engineering,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China
[Purpose]As an effective description of remote sensing information,indices are of great significance for qualitative and quantitative evaluation of atmosphere,ocean,soil and vegetation.[Method]Synthetic Aperture Radar( SAR)sensors detect the earth surface through the interaction processes between microwave and earth surface,and SAR remote sensing has abundant information of surface scattering intensity and phase. Therefore,SAR indices that has a certain physical significance and highly comprehensively characterizes plays an important role in business application. In this paper literatures are summarized,and SAR remote sensing indices and their application in soil surface condition,vegetation growth monitoring and rapid extraction of vegetation information are reviewed. Firstly,the relevant of SAR are summarized briefly,and are divides into soil indices and vegetation indices according to the cover condition of the surface. Then,specific soil indices and vegetation indices in SAR remote sensing are introduced from the definition,physical significance,application and precision. Their advantages and disadvantages are also analyzed and summarized. [Result/Conclusion]Domestic and foreign scholars have carried out some research on SAR remote sensing related indices,but there are still some problems in SAR remote sensing indices. In future research,the rich information of multi-mode, multi-polarization,multi-band and multi-temporal SAR remote sensing data should be mined, integrating with optical remote sensing and other data. And SAR remote sensing indices with explicit physical meaning should be constructed based on the mechanism.
Key words:  synthetic aperture radar  remote sensing index  soil index  vegetation index