引用本文:翟晓晓,邵杰 ※,张吴明,靳双娜.基于移动LiDAR 点云的树木三维重建[J].中国农业信息,2019,31(5):84-89
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基于移动LiDAR 点云的树木三维重建
翟晓晓, 邵杰 ※, 张吴明, 靳双娜
【目的】树木三维结构的描述是进行农林生态研究的重要科学基础,而移动激光雷达的使用将有利于快速、高效的农林树木三维结构重建。【方法】文章利用同时定位与构图技术实现基于移动激光雷达点云的农林样地树木三维重建,并以地基激光雷达数据为参考,验证三维重建精度,同时对比树木胸径,分析移动激光雷达在农林树木三维重建中的有效性和可行性。【结果】同时定位与构图技术可实现移动激光雷达点云的树木三维重建,其中,水平方向重建精度为 0.038 m,垂直方向重建精度为 0.017 m;以地基激光雷达数据拟合出的树干胸径为真实值,移动激光雷达点云拟合出的树干胸径为观测值,两者的相关系数为 0.715 6,均方根误差( RMSE)和平均绝对误差( MAE)分别为 0.011、0.01 m。【结论】移动激光雷达可实现农林树木三维结构快速重建,且基于重建结果可实现树干胸径准确提取。因此,移动激光雷达对提高农林树木测量效率具有积极作用。
关键词:  移动激光雷达  同时定位与构图  树木  三维重建
Three-dimensional reconstruction of trees using mobile laser scanning point clouds
Zhai Xiaoxiao, Shao Jie※, Zhang Wuming, Jin Shuangna
State Key Laboratory of Remote Sensing Science,Beijing Engineering Research Center for Global Land Remote Sensing Products,Institute of Remote Sensing Science and Engineering,Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
[ Purpose] The description of three-dimensional (3D)structure of trees is an important scientific basis for forestry and agricultural ecology research,and the use of mobile laser scanning can be conducive to the rapid,and efficient reconstruction of 3D structure of trees.[ Method] This paper achieves 3D reconstruction of trees of mobile LiDAR point cloudsby using simultaneous localization and mapping(SLAM)technique. To evaluate the feasibilityand effectiveness of mobile LiDAR in 3D reconstruction of trees,the terrestrial LiDAR data are regarded as reference to verify the accuracy of reconstruction and analyze the fitted diameterat breast height(DBH).[ Result] The SLAM technique can achieve trees reconstruction of mobile LiDAR data,of which the horizontal accuracy is approximately 0.038 m and the vertical accuracy is approximately 0.017 m. Meanwhile,the fitted DBH from mobile LiDAR data is regarded as observation,and the fitted DBH from terrestrial LiDAR data is regarded as truth-value. The correlation coefficient value between the observation and the truth-value is 0.715 6, the root mean square error(RMSE)and the mean absolute error are approximately 0.011 and 0.01 m,respectively.[ Conclusion] Mobile LiDAR can be used for rapid reconstruction of 3D structure of trees,and accurate DBH also can be obtained based on the reconstruction results. Therefore,mobile LiDAR is significant for improving the efficiency of trees measurements.
Key words:  mobile laser scanning  simultaneous localization and mapping  tree  three-dimensional reconstruction