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李建平1, 冯吉1, 陈振国1, 崔绍秋2, 李又庭※2
【目的】有效利用气候资源,避开不利气象条件影响,科学组织指导烤烟生产,对提高生产效率、实现烟叶优质适产具有重要意义。【方法】针对烤烟生产气象服务针对性与时效性不强、精细化程度不高、服务方法手段落后的实际问题,应用物联网、大数据、人工智能、移动互联等现代信息技术,建立烤烟生长环境自动监测系统,构建烤烟农用气象服务指标体系,制作提供个性化的气象服务产品,建立智慧烟叶气象服务平台和手机APP。【结果/ 结论】为烟叶生产管理部门和烟农及时准确地提供烤烟生长气象环境与生育状况、烤烟农用天气预报、烟草病虫害监测预警、气象灾害监测预警等信息,实现烤烟生产多时效、专业化、精细化、直通式的气象服务。
关键词:  烟草  气象服务  WebGIS
基金项目:中国烟草公司湖北省公司2019 年重点科研项目“智慧烟叶气象服务平台”
Design of the intelligent meteorological service platform for the growth period of tobacco
Li Jianping1, Feng Ji1, Chen Zhenguo1, Cui Shaoqiu2, Li Youting※2
1.Hubei Tobacco Science Research Institute,Wuhan 430030,China;2.Xinhong High-Tech Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 102400,China
[Purpose] The research is carried out to utilize the climate resources effectively, avoid the influence of adverse meteorological conditions,scientifically organize and guide the production of flue-cured tobacco,improve the production efficiency and realize the high quality and suitable production of tobacco.[Method] In view of the practical problems such as weak pertinence and timeliness,low refinement and backward service methods and means of flue-cured tobacco production meteorological service,the modern information technology such as internet of things,big data,artificial intelligence and mobile internet were applied to establish the intelligent meteorological service platform and mobile app for the growth period of tobacco, which includes the automatic monitoring system for flue-cured tobacco growth environment,the flue-cured tobacco agrometeorological service index system and the production of personalized meteorological service products.[Result/Conclusion] The platform can provide timely and accurate information for tobacco production and management for departments and farmers,such as the growth meteorological environment and growth status of flue-cured tobacco,the weather forecast for flue-cured tobacco farming,the monitoring and early warning of tobacco diseases and insect pests,the monitoring and early warning of meteorological disasters and so on. It realizes the multi time space,specialization,refinement and direct meteorological services for flue-cured tobacco production.
Key words:  tobacco  meteorological service  WebGIS