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曹靖, 宋娇红, 王冰
关键词:  智能灌溉  水肥一体化  节水  节肥  远程控制  自组网
基金项目:科技部科技基础性工作专项 (2012FY112100,2006FY120200);中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项(1610132019028);国家自然科学基金项目(31572208)
Development and application of intelligent irrigation control system in agricultural water and fertilizer integration
Cao Jing, Song Jiaohong, Wang Bing
Tengse Intelligent Technology(Nanjing)Co.,Ltd.,Nanjing 211100,China
[Purpose]The integrated intelligent irrigation control of water and fertilizer based on Internet of Things technology is an important method to save water and labor,to provide intelligent control and to improve the efficiency of water and fertilizer utilization in agricultural irrigation.[Method]Based on the information technology of Internet of Things such as intelligent control,sensors and wireless ad hoc network,this paper develops an intelligent irrigation control system applied to the integrated management of agricultural water and fertilizer to solve problems of traditional agricultural irrigation. The system mainly includes a control system,a water and fertilizer mixing system,a water and fertilizer irrigation system and a data acquisition and analysis system. The control system provides two patterns of terminal operation software system such as APP and desktop system for workers to realize remote irrigation control. [Result]The intelligent irrigation control system has been applied in Chinese Torreya planting area of Jinhua,Zhejiang Province. The results show that the system can be applied to complex terrain without wiring and external power supply. Large area irrigation control can be realized by self-organizing network between devices. [Conclusion]The intelligent irrigation control system has the advantages of convenient operation and high control sensitivity,which can realize the purpose of remote control,labor saving and convenience. It improves the control level of agricultural water and fertilizer integrated intelligent irrigation,and has a certain application prospect and promotion value.
Key words:  intelligent irrigation  water and fertilizer integration  water saving  fertilizer saving  remote control  Ad-Hoc Network