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赵小娟1, 叶云※1, 冉耀虎2
【目的】基于物联网技术的茶树病虫害监测预警系统为农业生产过程病虫害绿色防治工作提供了技术支持,对提高茶叶品质和产量、保障茶园生态安全具有重要作用。【方法】基于物联网、多媒体、计算机图像识别、GIS 等技术设计茶树病虫害监测预警系统,结合自动虫情灯、自动性诱仪、孢子捕捉仪、智能气象仪、高清摄像机等物联网硬件设备,实现茶园环境数据、病虫害信息的自动化监测和病虫害信息在地图上的可视化展示,并通过构建病虫害发生的环境气候模型,对病虫害发生进行预警。【结果】茶树病虫害监测预警系统在英德市试点茶园进行了应用,系统软硬件配合良好,实现了茶园生产环境监测、虫情监测、病虫害预警等功能。【结论】茶树病虫害监测预警系统的应用提高了茶园病虫害防治工作效率,促进了茶叶产业的经济效益增长和可持续发展。
关键词:  物联网  茶树  病虫害  监测  预警
Design and implementation of tea tree pests and diseases monitoring and early warning system based on Internet of Things
Zhao Xiaojuan1, Ye Yun1, Ran Yaohu2
1.College of ecological and environmental technology,Guangdong Industry Polytechnic,Guangzhou 510300,China;2.Guangzhou Hairui Information Technology Co.Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China
[Purpose]The tea tree pests and diseases monitoring and early warning system based on the Internet of Things provides technical support for the green prevention and control of pests and diseases in agricultural production process,and plays an important role in improving the quality and yield of tea and ensuring the ecological safety of tea gardens. [Method]Based on the Internet of Things,multimedia,computer image recognition,GIS and other technologies,a tea tree pests and diseases monitoring and early warning system was designed,and was further combined with automatic insect light,automatic traps,spore capture devices,intelligent weather meters,high-definition cameras and other IoT hardware devices. It realized the functions of automatic monitoring of tea plantation environmental data,monitoring of pests and diseases information,map display of pests and diseases information,and early warning of pest and diseases occurrence by an environmental climate model.[Result]The monitoring and early warning system for tea plant diseases and pests was applied in a pilot tea plantation in Yingde City. The software and hardware of the system were well coordinated,and provided the functions of environment monitoring,pests monitoring and pests early warning for the tea garden. [Conclusion]The application of tea tree diseases and pests monitoring and early warning system improves the efficiency of controlling tea trees diseases and pests,and promotes the economic benefit growth and sustainable development of the tea industry.
Key words:  Internet of Things  tea tree  pests and diseases  monitoring  early warning