引用本文:何彬彬,曹 辉,张宏国,陈建华,李彦樨,安刚强,范春全.水稻药肥精准施用大数据平台设计与实现[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):9-20
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何彬彬1, 曹 辉1, 张宏国1, 陈建华2, 李彦樨1, 安刚强1, 范春全1
1.电子科技大学,四川成都 611731;2.成都理工大学,四川成都 610059
【目的】为指导农户在水稻种植过程中精准施用药肥,基于开源大数据与互联网技 术框架设计并实现水稻药肥精准施用大数据平台。【方法】通过调研分析整理了平台需求, 设计了平台功能和体系架构。首先搭建了大数据平台软硬件环境以满足海量数据的存储 (HDFS)与计算(Spark),然后整合与水稻施肥施药相关的多源异构数据,开展对大数据的 应用探索,主要包括建立水稻施药施肥专家知识库,开发平台核心功能。【结果】水稻药肥 精准施用大数据平台集纳创新区域特色抗性和药肥高效利用水稻品种及高效栽培措施、药肥 减施增效、精准轻简施用技术,科学布局示范辐射稻区,集成药肥减施综合技术模式,发挥 新媒体 + 大数据引领作用、高校与科研院所科技人才支撑作用,构建网络化多元推广示范平 台,规模化示范推广,有效降低药肥用量,减少稻田面源污染,保障食品安全。经过功能测 试与压力测试,平台能正常稳定运行。【结论】针对水稻药肥精准施用的应用场景,大数据 技术在整合、存储、处理、应用等方面发挥了不可替代的作用,进一步结合互联网、地理信 息系统、全球定位系统、遥感技术等可将其推向实际应用,然平台投入使用时间尚短,需不 断累积数据以丰富其实用性。
关键词:  水稻农药化肥精准施用  大数据  HDFS  Spark  数据可视化
基金项目:国家重点研发计划专项“华南及西南水稻化肥农药减施技术集成研究与示范”课题 1“药肥精准施用跨境 跨区域大数平台”(2018YFD0200301)
Design and implementation of a big data platform for preciseapplication of rice pesticides and fertilizers
He Binbin1, Cao Hui1, Zhang Hongguo1, Chen Jianhua2, Li Yanxi1, An Gangqiang1, Fan Chunquan1
1.University of Electronic Science and Technology of China,Sichuan Chengdu 611731;2.Chengdu University of Technology,Sichuan Chengdu 610059,China
[Purpose]To help precise application of pesticides and fertilizers in the process of rice planting,a big data platform named “Big data platform for precise application of rice pesticides and fertilizers” is designed and implemented,which is based on open source technology framework of big data and network.[Method]The platform requirements are sorted out through investigation and analysis,and functions and architecture of this platform are further designed. Firstly,the software and hardware environment of big data platform is built to meet the requirements of mass data storage(HDFS)and calculation(Spark),and the multi-source heterogeneous data related to application of rice pesticides and fertilizers are integrated. Then,the application and exploration of big data are carried out,including the establishment of expert knowledge base and the realization of core functions.[Result]Big data platform for precise application of rice pesticides and fertilizers can effectively reduce the use of pesticides and fertilizers and non-point source pollution in rice fields,and ensure food safety by integrating and innovating rice varieties with regional characteristic resistance and efficient utilization of pesticides and fertilizers and techniques for high efficient cultivation measures,reducing application of pesticides and fertilizers,and precision and light application of pesticides and fertilizers. Besides,it builds a network diversified promotion and demonstration platform and can be demonstrated and popularized on a large scale through scientific layout of demonstration and radiation rice area,integration of comprehensive technical model of reduction for application of pesticides and fertilizers,and giving full play to the leading role of new media + big data,the supporting role of scientific and technological talents of universities and agricultural academies. After the function test and pressure test,the platform can run normally and stably.[Conclusion]Aiming at the application scenarios of precise application of rice pesticides and fertilizers,big data technology has played an irreplaceable role in integration,storage,processing,and application. It can be further combined with internet technology,geographic information system,global positioning system,and remote sensing technology in practical applications. However,the platform is put into use for a short time,so it is necessary to continuously accumulate data to enrich its practicality.
Key words:  precise application of pesticides and fertilizers in rice  big data  HDFS  Spark  data visualization