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余万民1, 范蓓蕾※2, 钱建平3
1.贵州省农业信息中心,贵阳 555001;2.中国农业科学院农业信息研究所,北京 100081;3.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京 100081
【目的】为了整合多源、异构、海量农业数据,基于云计算等技术设计并实现农业大 数据开放共享平台,有利于农业数据资源的充分利用。【方法】文章依据科学合理的标准规 范,以农业大数据资源编目元数据、大数据整合集成与建库、农业大数据共享服务为主线, 利用 Hadoop 大数据技术,基于 J2EE 平台和构件化开发思路,构建农业大数据共享服务平 台。【结果】该平台包括农业大数据集成管理、农业大数据共享服务管理和元数据管理,其 中农业大数据集成管理实现了对各渠道所得农业数据进行整合集成、数据质量控制和更新管 理,农业大数据共享服务子系统实现了对分散、多源、异构农业非空间数据的目录导航、查 询检索与共享交换等服务,是用户查询访问和使用农业大数据的统一入口,元数据管理子系 统实现了对多源大数据的统一描述、发布管理与权限控制。【结论】该平台在贵州省进行了 开发应用,实现了贵州省农业数据资源的统一集成、统一管理、统一共享和统一服务,为贵 州省农业云服务及其各类应用提供了数据基础。
关键词:  农业大数据  资源目录  云计算平台  数据共享
Research and development of agricultural big data sharingservice platform based on Cloud Computing
Yu Wanmin1, Fan Beilei※2, Qian Jianping3
1.Guizhou Province Agriculture Information Center,Guiyang 550001,China;2.Agricultural Information Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China;3.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]In order to integrate multi-source,heterogeneous and massive agricultural data,an open sharing platform for agricultural big data is designed and implemented based on cloud computing technology,which is conducive to the full utilization of agricultural data resources.[Method]The platform is designed according to scientific and reasonable standards and specifications,taking agricultural big data resource catalog metadata,big data integration and database building,agricultural big data sharing service as the main line,using Hadoop technology,and based on J2EE platform and component-based development ideas.[Result]The platform includes agricultural big data integration management,agricultural big data sharing service management and metadata management.Agricultural big data integration management subsystem realizes the integration,data quality control and update management of agricultural data obtained from various channels.Agricultural big data sharing service subsystem realizes the directory navigation and query of decentralized,multi-source and heterogeneous agricultural non spatial data query retrieval,and agricultural big data sharing service subsystem is the unified entry for users to query,access and use agricultural big data.The metadata management subsystem realizes the unified description,release management and authority control of multi-source big data.[Conclusion]The platform has been developed and applied in Guizhou Province,which realizes the unified integration,management,sharing and service of agricultural data resources in Guizhou Province,and provides the data foundation for agricultural cloud service and its various applications in Guizhou Province.
Key words:  agricultural big data  resource directory  cloud computing platform  data sharing