引用本文:桑玲玲,周 同 ※,谢 彧,章远钰.农田建设现场调查技术分析及云平台构建[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):30-38
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桑玲玲1, 周 同 ※2, 谢 彧1, 章远钰1
1.自然资源部国土整治中心,北京 100035;2.农业农村部工程建设服务中心,北京 100081
【目的】研究构建“天地网一体化”的农田建设监测监管体系是全面加强农田建设管 理的重要支撑。现场调查技术作为开展农田建设日常监测监管的重要手段之一,贯穿整个项 目建设周期。【方法】文章通过对项目信息采集、处理、管理、应用等业务进行分析,研究 集成利用移动互联网、数据库、GIS、智能移动终端等多种信息技术,完成农田建设信息采 集系统的软硬件环境搭建,利用 ArcGIS 软件开展农田建设信息内业管理、外业信息采集等 功能设计与实现,完成基于地理位置服务的内外业一体化调查云平台建设。【结果】云平台 通过内业端对农田建设项目进行管理并获取基础数据,移动端对农田建设项目位置、工程实 施进展情况、后期管护利用情况等信息进行外业采集,并将采集信息实时传输至内业管理平 台。调查云平台主要在广东省东莞市、河北省保定市 2 个地区进行试用,取得了良好效果。 【结论】该平台以在线交互的方式实现外业数据采集与内业数据管理的一体化协同作业,解 决了定位难、测量难、记录难等问题,提高了外业管理质量和内业分析展示效率,对提升农 田建设管理水平具有重要意义。
关键词:  高标准农田  项目监管  内外业一体化调查  移动互联网  云平台
基金项目:自然资源部土地整治重点实验室开放课题 (2018-KF-03)
Technical analysis of farmland field investigationand cloud platform construction
Sang Lingling1, Zhou Tong ※2, Xie Yu1, Zhang Yuanyu1
1.Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Center,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100035,China;2.Engineering Construction Service Center,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,Beijing 100081,China
[Purpose]To study and build a monitoring and supervision system for high quality farmland construction projects is an important supporting means to strengthen farmland construction. As one of the important means to carry out farmland construction monitoring and supervision,field investigation technology runs through the whole project construction. [Method]Field investigation has become one of the important means to support the integrated monitoring and supervision technology for farmland construction. The research focuses on analyzing the ways of data collection,data analysis,data management of land consolidation program. Based on the integration of the use of mobile internet,database,GIS,intelligent terminals,in completes the software and hardware environment of farmland construction information collection systems. Using mature GIS software,it integrates multi-source data of farmland construction projects,carries out the functional design and implements the internal management,field information collection,and completes the construction of internal and external integrated survey cloud platform based on geographic location services.[Result]The cloud platform manages the farmland construction project and obtains the basic data through the internal terminal,and the mobile terminal collects the information of the farmland construction project location,project implementation progress, later management and protection utilization,and transmits the collected information to the internal management platform in real time. The cloud platform is mainly used in Dongguan, Guangdong and Baoding,Hebei,and has achieved good results.[Conclusion]The platform realizes the integration and cooperation of field data collection and field data management in the way of online interaction,and solves the problems such as difficult positioning,measurement and recording,improving the quality of field management and the efficiency of field analysis and display. It is a great significance to improve the management level of high quality farmland construction.
Key words:  high quality farmland  project supervision  internal and external integrated investigation  mobile internet  cloud platform