引用本文:方鹤楠,何 真,陈 茜,夏 天 ※.1985—2018 年查干湖时空变化及其 对降水变化响应分析[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):64-73
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1985—2018 年查干湖时空变化及其 对降水变化响应分析
方鹤楠, 何 真, 陈 茜, 夏 天 ※
地理过程分析与模拟湖北省重点实验室 / 华中师范大学城市与环境科学学院,湖北武汉 430079
【目的】查干湖是吉林省最大的淡水湖泊,其形态和面积的时空格局变化对当地生态 环境维护和相关产业发展有着重要意义。通过长时间尺度上遥感监测查干湖水体的时空格局 变化,分析其变化特征与规律,探讨降雨量对湖体的影响,从而为区域水环境的生态保护与 资源合理利用提出针对性建议。【方法】基于查干湖地区 1985—2018 年共 8 景 Landsat 遥感 影像数据,采用 NDWI 水体指数法对查干湖水体进行识别与提取,通过 ArcGIS 空间分析功 能探究查干湖水体的时空格局变化过程。同时,结合水体面积变化,利用降水数据探讨气候 变化对湖水容量的影响。【结果】1985—2018 年,查干湖水域空间格局呈波浪形上升变化, 水体时空变化区域主要位于辛甸泡、新庙泡和库里泡,查干湖主水体多为边缘性的扩张及缩 减;自然降水和“引松入湖”工程是查干湖水体变化的主要因素,引水工程初期对查干湖蓄 水量恢复起重要作用,随后水域面积慢慢转为自然降水影响。【结论】1985—2018 年来查干 湖水域面积受自然降水和引水工程的影响,未来需要进一步保护该地区的生态系统,通过自 然降水维持该地区的水域生态平衡,实现查干湖区域的产业发展和生态保护的共同发展。
关键词:  遥感监测  时空格局  查干湖  降水量  水域面积
Spatial-temporal change of Chagan Lake and response toprecipitation change from 1985 to 2018
Fang Henan, He Zhen, Chen Xi, Xia Tian ※
Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis & Simulation/College of Urban & Environmental Sci. Central China Normal University,Hubei Wuhan 430079,China
[Purpose]Chagan Lake is the largest fresh water lake in Jilin Province. The spatial and temporal pattern change of its shape and area has great significance to the local ecological environment maintenance and the development of related industries. In this paper,the temporal and spatial pattern changes of Chagan Lake are monitored by remote sensing on a long-term scale. Based on the analysis of its changing characteristics,this paper discusses the impact of rainfall on the lake,so as to provide targeted suggestions for the ecological protection of regional water environment and the rational utilization of resources.[Method]Based on the Landsat remote sensing image data of 8 scenes from 1985 to 2018 in the study area,Chagan Lake was identified and extracted by NDWI water index method. And the spatial and temporal pattern change process of Chagan Lake is explored by ArcGIS spatial analysis function. At the same time,the influence of climate change on lake water capacity is discussed by using precipitation data and water area change.[Result]The water spatial pattern of Chagan Lake changed significantly from 1985 to 2018,with a normal growth trend in overall. The changed areas are mainly located in Xindian, Xinmiao and Kuli Lake,while the main changing process of Chagan Lake is mostly characterized as an expansion and a marginal reduction. Natural precipitation and water diversion project are the main factors for the change of Chagan Lake. During 1984-2007,water diversion projects played an important role in retaining the water storage capacity of Chagan Lake. Subsequently, the change of lake water area gradually changed to be mainly affected by natural precipitation. [Conclusion]In the past 35 years,the water area of Chagan Lake has been affected by natural precipitation and water diversion projects. In the future,it is necessary to further protect the ecosystem of the area,maintain the ecological balance of the water area through natural precipitation,and realize the common development of industrial development and ecological protection in Chagan Lake.
Key words:  remote sensing monitoring  spatiotemporal pattern  Chagan Lake  precipitation  water area