引用本文:效文娟,冯 妍※,何永健,楚岱蔚.余杭蜜梨种植适宜性分析与区划[J].中国农业信息,2020,32(1):74-82
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效文娟1,2, 冯 妍※3,4, 何永健4,5, 楚岱蔚6
1.三门峡市气象局,河南三门峡 472000;2.寿县国家气候观象台中国气象局淮河流域典型农田生态气象野外科学试验基地,安徽 淮南 232200;3.寿县国家气候观象台中国气象局淮河流域典型农田生态 气象野外科学试验基地,安徽 淮南 232200;4.安徽省气象科学研究所大气科学与卫星遥感重点安徽省实验室, 合肥,230031;5.南京信息工程大学,江南南京 210044;6.余杭区气象局,浙江杭州 311100
【目的】精细化了解余杭蜜梨种植适宜区域,为推广蜜梨种植、促进余杭特色农业增 收起到生产指导作用。【方法】基于气候和地形因子对浙江省余杭区蜜梨种植适宜性进行分 析与区划研究,选择 3 个气候因子,分别为≥ 10℃活动积温、年降雨量和年日照时数,选 择 2 个地形因子,分别为海拔高度和坡度。首先利用分布式模型,对所有气候因子进行空间 分布的精细化模拟。其次,利用层次分析法确定各个因子的权重,利用加权求和法建立蜜梨 种植适宜性区划评估模型。最后,结合各因子适宜度等级的量化指标,得到蜜梨适宜性综合 评价得分的精细化空间分布。【结果】根据余杭地区蜜梨种植适宜性综合评分,将种植区划 分为适宜、较适宜和不适宜 3 种。余杭区蜜梨种植较适宜区在各个乡镇都有分布,适宜区主 要分布在余杭西部地区,不适宜区较少,主要分布在百丈镇、鸬鸟镇、黄湖镇等地区的地形 背阴地带。【结论】通过适宜性分析评价,为余杭区蜜梨种植提供了地理位置选择参考。
关键词:  蜜梨  种植适宜性  地理信息系统
Analysis and regionalization of planting suitabilityof Mili pear in Yuhang
Xiao Wenjuan,Feng Yan ※,He Yongjian,Chu Daiwei
1.Sanmenxia Meteorological Bureau,Henan Sanmenxia 472000,China;2.Shouxian National Climatology Observatory,Huaihe River Basin Typical Farm Eco-meteorological Experiment Field of CMA,Anhui Huainan 232200, China;3.Anhui Province Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Science and Satellite Remote Sensing,Anhui Institute of Meteorological Sciences,Hefei 230031,China;4.Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Jiangsu Nanjing 210044,China;5.Yuhang Meteorological Bureau,Zhejiang Hangzhou 311100,China
[Purpose]Understanding the suitable area of Mili pear planting in Yuhang will play a guiding role in promoting pear planting and increasing the income of characteristic agriculture in Yuhang.[Method]Based on climate and terrain factors,the suitability of Mili pear planting in Yuhang District of Zhejiang Province was analyzed and studied. Three climate factors were selected,i.e.the active accumulated temperature which was bigger than 10℃,the annual rainfall and the annual sunshine hours. Two terrain factors were selected,which were the altitude and the slope. Firstly,the spatial distributed model is used to simulate the spatial distribution of all climate factors. Secondly,AHP is used to determine the weight of each factor, and weighted summation method is used to establish the evaluation model of Mili pear planting suitability. Finally,the fine spatial distribution of the comprehensive evaluation scores of Mili pear planting suitability is obtained by combining the quantitative indexes of each factor suitability level.[Result]According to the comprehensive score of Mili pear planting suitability in Yuhang area,the planting areas were divided into three kinds:suitable,more suitable and unsuitable. The more suitable area for Mili pear planting in Yuhang District was distributed in all towns. The suitable area was mainly distributed in the western part of Yuhang,while the unsuitable area was less which was mainly distributed in the shady terrain of Baizhang town,Luniao town and Huanghu town.[Conclusion]Through the suitability analysis and evaluation,it provides a reference for the geographical location selection of Mili pear planting in Yuhang District.
Key words:  Mili pear  planting suitability  Geographic Information System (GIS)